Office of Communications
Campus Digest Policies and FAQ
The Campus Digest is a customizable email delivered to Oberlin students, faculty, and staff as well as parents of enrolled students. It is created by the Office of Communications and is delivered each weekday during the fall and spring semesters. The Campus Digest serves as Oberlin’s primary internal communications channel.
Departments, groups, and individuals can submit information for publication in the Campus Digest by using this online submission form. Individuals in administrative offices who have been designated as their office’s official Campus Digest content editor can also submit information directly for publication by logging in to their profile on the Oberlin website.
Anyone on campus may submit an item for publication, provided that its intended audience is the campus community. Content that does not fall within the mission and guidelines of the institution is subject to removal. In addition, the Campus Digest does not publish the following:
- Submissions intended to promote personal or financial gain.
- Submissions from students or employees concerning referendums on Oberlin policies or practices.
- Submissions that do not pertain to the Oberlin campus community.
- Submissions that violate or encourage violating Oberlin policy or local, state, or federal law.
The Office of Communications is responsible for all determinations related to approval of Campus Digest submissions.
Campus Digest Frequently Asked Questions
Following are answers to frequently asked questions about the Campus Digest. Don’t see your question addressed here? Reach out to us at
When is the Campus Digest published?
The Campus Digest publishes Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters. The publishing schedule is adjusted during summer, fall and spring breaks, Winter Term, and holidays.
What types of information can I submit to the Campus Digest?
The Campus Digest is the place to share news of potential interest to members of the campus community. It may pertain to students, faculty, staff, or some combination of those groups.
Who can submit items for inclusion in the Campus Digest?
Anyone on campus may submit an item for publication in the Campus Digest, provided that its intended audience is the campus community and the content of the message is not being used for personal or financial gain.
Can I promote an event in the Campus Digest?
Yes, event previews can be submitted for inclusion in the Campus Digest. Please keep a couple of things in mind:
- The Campus Events Calendar—not Campus Digest—is the primary method for sharing information about campus events. For your event to be considered for inclusion in the Campus Digest, it must first appear in the Campus Events Calendar. Events can be added to the events calendar (pending approval from Communications) using the Events Calendar submission link.
- Most Campus Digest items that promote events are published in the “Happening Today” or “Happening Soon” sections. This ensures that readers can see all upcoming events at a glance. Exceptions may include events for which advance registration or ticketing is required.
How can I submit an item for the Campus Digest?
Departments, groups, and individuals may submit information for publication in the Campus Digest by using the online submission form.
Individuals in administrative offices who have been designated as their office’s official Campus Digest content contributor can also submit information directly for publication by logging in to their profile on To learn more about submitting news in this way, please contact
Can I get help learning how to submit Campus Digest entries?
Yes, the Office of Communications is happy to provide training to designated content contributors. Contact us at to schedule a training session.
When are Campus Digest submissions due?
Submissions must be sent by noon the day prior to the requested date of publication. If your requested day is Monday, your submission must be sent by noon the prior Friday. All submissions input directly by designated content contributors must be entered by noon in order to appear in the next day’s Digest.
How long can my submission be?
Please limit the text of your submission to 65 words or fewer. If your message requires more text, connect with us ( about alternative methods of sharing your information.
What information should I include?
For events, include the time, date, location, and a brief description of the event. Most other details should be reserved for the event’s listing in the Campus Events Calendar. Please include the link to the calendar listing in your Campus Digest submission.
For non-event submissions, please summarize your news in no more than two to three sentences and include any necessary deadlines, links, or points of contact.
Will my submission be edited?
Yes, we edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and campus editorial style.
How frequently can my submission appear in the Campus Digest?
Submissions to the Digest generally are published no more than two times per week. You may request to have your submission appear over multiple weeks, though final decisions on publishing frequency are made by the Office of Communications.
What’s the best day to share my event preview?
You may submit event news anytime and request for it to be published on any day of the week. Please keep in mind that many members of our campus community plan their days well in advance. While it makes sense to promote your event on the day it’s happening, you may also want to promote it several days, or even a week or more, in advance.
Some offices have dedicated sections in the Campus Digest. Can my office get one too?
Offices and departments that post to the Campus Digest regularly are assigned a unique banner to keep their posts organized in a single place. (Examples include Human Resources, Athletics, and Libraries.) If your office or department would like to be considered for a banner, please connect with us at
Should I submit my news to Campus Digest or share it in a mass email?
In nearly all instances, Campus Digest is the appropriate way to share your news. Mass emails are permitted only for conveying critical communications. Learn more about Oberlin’s mass email policy.
Can I promote my student research survey?
Yes, students are permitted to promote research-related surveys. To be considered for inclusion, each student must submit the name of the project’s faculty sponsor and documentation confirming that the project has been reviewed and approved by Oberlin’s Institutional Review Board or that it is IRB-exempt.
How can I get a prominent placement in the Campus Digest?
The Office of Communications selects one story or news item to serve as the lead story for each edition of the Campus Digest. This story is included in the headline and often features a corresponding photo. These stories often are scheduled weeks in advance and are considered based on factors such as institutional priorities, other news also vying for prominent placement, and timely receipt of information. To have your news considered for a lead story, please write to
I see photos in the Campus Digest. Can I submit one?
The Campus Digest includes one lead photo—often pertaining to the top story of the day—and optional photos for each subsequent section. We encourage you to share your photos of campus life with the Office of Communications anytime by emailing We will consider your submissions for inclusion in the Digest as well as other media produced by our office.
What makes a good Campus Digest photo?
The best photos tend to depict Obies in action or show quintessentially Oberlin spaces and activities. All photos must be landscape-oriented and conform to a ratio of 4 wide by 3 tall. (Ideal photo submissions are 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, and no smaller than 640px480p.) Please refrain from submitting clip art!
Photos may be submitted to or the Campus Digest online submission form. Please describe who or what is pictured, identify any subjects, and include the name of the photographer if applicable.