Center for Information Technology
Banner Web Proxy Setup + PIN Reset Guide
The Banner Web Proxy (formerly known as PRESTO Proxy) system allows students to grant access for others to see Financial Aid, Registration and Schedule, Student Accounts, and Student Records information. You have the ability to grant or restrict access to any or all of this information at any time.
Student Setup Instructions
Students have three steps to give access to a designated Proxy: add Proxy email address, set up Proxy relationship, and authorize pages for Proxy access. Until the student completes these three steps, a Proxy will not be able to access their records.
Visit the Services Portal to learn how to set up Banner access for your designated Proxy.
Proxy Setup Instructions
Logging In for the First Time
The Banner Web Proxy system allows students to grant access for others to see Financial Aid, Registration and Schedule, Student Accounts, and Student Records information. Your student has the ability to grant or restrict access to any or all of this information at any time.
When your student adds you as a Proxy, you will receive two emails. The first will be an email with basic information about the service, and the second will provide you a link to the Proxy login page, Action Password, and Old PIN. Ensure you have both emails before proceeding.
- Click on the link in the Invitation email. If the link does not work, copy and paste the link into a web browser.
- Enter the Action Password included in the email, then click Submit.
- At the next screen, you will be asked to create a PIN. The PIN can be between 6 and 15 characters, you may use both letters and numbers. You’ll use this each time you log into Banner.
- Enter the email address. Enter the Action Password as your Old PIN. Create the New PIN and click Save.
- If you do you not see a tab labelled with your student’s name, your student has not correctly added you to the system. They need to follow the instructions specifying their relationship with you before you can go any further.
Banner Web Proxy PIN Reset
Go to OberView and search. Visit Begin typing “Parent/Guest Access to Student Records" in the search bar at the top. Click on
that task. -
Enter your email address and click “Forgot PIN." On the Banner Web Proxy login page, enter the web address used by your student to set up your account. Then click the “Forgot PIN" button. An email will be sent to the email address you entered. The email will contain a link and a one-time action password (also known as the Old PIN).
Open the email message sent to you, click on the link, and return to the Banner Web Proxy page. Once you've returned to the page, enter the action password from the email message. Click Submit.
Create a new PIN. After you press Submit, you will be asked to create a new PIN. When asked for your Old PIN, enter your action password.
Click Save. Once you have saved, you have successfully reset your PIN and logged in to the system.
Ongoing Access
Go to OberView. Search for ‘‘proxy’’ and look for the Parent/Guest Access to Student Records task.
Enter the email address that was registered by your student and the PIN you established.