Oberlin Blogs

Hot Takes on Conservatory Life

January 14, 2025

Rebekah Grande ’27

I have just finished my third semester as a Conservatory student, and through my year and a half here, I have formed some hot takes on conservatory life, both at Oberlin Conservatory, and about conservatories in general!

Through various competitions and programs, I have gotten to know a good amount of students at other prominent conservatories/schools of music (including Julliard, Curtis, Northwestern, Eastman, Cleveland Institute of Music, Boston Conservatory, etc), and there are a couple of big differences I have noticed between their experiences and mine!


Undergrad Only Slays 

I knew when I was looking at colleges that I wanted the institution to be either undergrad only, or undergrad-focused. (Oberlin, Cleveland Institute of Music, and Peabody Conservatory were my top 3 choices.) I didn’t realize just how much this would actually mean in my development until I got to school. I have already performed in two operas (and had a supporting role in one), performed in multiple solo/featured solo recitals, and gotten to study abroad two times, all in my first three semesters. At “bigger name” schools, I have seen the frustration in my insanely talented friends, some even coming to the point of raising the issue of no performance opportunities to the higher-ups at their schools. Performance opportunities are not something to be as worried about at Oberlin, because we are undergrad only. Every single performance stars undergrads, since that’s all that we have. 


Small Towns Rule 

I know many musicians dream of being in a big city and getting their “big break.” Let me tell you why I think completing your Bachelor’s is so much better to do in a small town! Being in the town of Oberlin has really helped me to focus. There aren’t too many distractions, but just enough so you don’t go stir crazy. I am someone who came from a public school education and limited classical music experience before Oberlin. I had no idea what to expect when I got here, and I realized that I really needed to buckle down and focus. If I had been in a big city, I think it would have been a lot harder for me to do that. I am also a very nature-oriented person, so getting to walk amongst trees to get to class, and do my homework outside when the weather is nice (currently longing for spring), truly reenergizes me. I am only a 45-minute distance away from a major city (Cleveland), which has a major orchestra and nationally recognized theater. And don’t fear if you don’t have a car, for Oberlin is constantly planning trips to concerts, musicals, and shows with bus transportation for usually about $15. Also, at least for vocalists, a lot of times we start looking for employment at opera houses and programs after our Master's. The Bachelor's is meant to be building a foundation. I have seen a lot of my friends do their undergrad at Oberlin, and then go to a big city for their grad!


Study Abroad Is Important 

I think studying abroad as a classical musician is vital. Unfortunately, compared to many European and Asian countries, classical music is not popular in the United States. The general public doesn’t value it as a core part of their culture/history. This can be compared to Germany, which has opera houses in every major city, funded by the government, selling out full houses for every performance. Studying abroad gave me a whole new perspective on our classical music world. I also think it’s very important, because you are able to hands-on learn the history. Go walk around Mendelssohn’s house, go to a Hungarian library and read first-hand books about Bartok, etc. It is invaluable. Personally, studying abroad has also helped me to realize that I am envisioning my future more and more in Europe, instead of in America. How would I have figured that out if I had not gone and experienced a taste of the life there! Luckily, through Oberlin’s winter term program, I am currently completing my second study abroad journey!


These are just a few of my hot takes on what I have realized was most important for me during the beginning of my journey towards a B.M. If you are currently looking at potential schools, I hope I have helped you realize what you might be looking for as well! (Whether it is the exact same, or the complete opposite!)


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