Sebastiaan Faber
- Professor of Hispanic Studies
Sebastiaan Faber Coauthors Analysis of Spain's Parliamentary Elections
August 16, 2023
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has coauthored an analysis of Spain's parliamentary elections, which took place on July 23, for the Nation magazine. He also appeared on CNBC International and was quoted in articles on the topic in Vox, the Miami Herald, Montréal's La Presse, and the Dutch venue Nu. The second, revised edition of Prof. Faber's book Exhuming Franco: Spain's Second Transition is due out with Vanderbilt University Press in November.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes Book on Spain's Image; Contributes to Article
December 1, 2022
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published a short book about Spain's international image, Leyendas negras, marcas blancas. La malsana obsesión con la imagen de España en el mundo, in a series edited by the magazine Contexto. He has also contributed an article to a thematic issue of the Journal of Academic Freedom, published by the AAUP, on recent political challenges to academic freedom in history teaching and research. In October, he interviewed Astra Taylor about student debt relief in the United States and spoke in a podcast with Jacobin's Eoghan Gilmartin about the Spanish novelist Javier Marías, who died in September.
Sebastiaan Faber Gives Interviews on New Book
May 20, 2022
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has given half a dozen interviews in the Spanish media—including El País, La Vanguardia, Contexto, and national public radio—about his newly translated book, Franco desenterrado. La segunda Transición española, which came out in early February. In March, Faber published a piece in The Conversation on the international volunteers in the Ukraine war and Spanish Civil war, in both English and Spanish.
Renee Romano quoted in Spanish magazine article written by Sebastiaan Faber
September 24, 2021
Robert S. Danforth Professor of History Renee Romano is quoted at length in a long-form article on the return of "patriotic" history in the United States and Europe, published in the Spanish magazine CTXT. The article is authored by Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber.
Sebastiaan Faber coauthors piece for The Nation; is featured in new podcast series
July 14, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has coauthored a piece in The Nation magazine on the Spanish government's decision to pardon nine Catalan leaders who were sent to prison for their involvement in a referendum for independence. Faber, whose new book Exhuming Franco (Vanderbilt University Press) came out in April, is also featured in Noiser's new podcast series Real Dictators, narrated by Paul McGann.
Sebastiaan Faber provides analysis of Madrid election
May 3, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber and co-author Bécquer Seguín analyze Madrid’s May 4 regional election, which could shape the future of Spanish politics in an article for The Nation, “The Center Cannot Hold in Spain, but Can the Left Take Advantage?”
Sebastiaan Faber publishes book that explores the legacy of dictator Francisco Franco
April 5, 2021
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published a new book. Exhuming Franco: Spain's Second Transition (Vanderbilt University Press) explores what is left of Francisco Franco's legacy in Spain today. For some, the recent exhumation of the dictator's remains from the massive monument in which they'd been buried since his death in 1975 confirmed that Spain is a modern, consolidated democracy. Yet in reality the country is still deeply affected—and divided—by the dictatorial legacies of Francoism.
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber interviewed about Spain's newly proposed memory law.
October 4, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed by Jacobin Magazine about Spain's newly proposed memory law, a topic about which he published an op-ed last week in the Spanish magazine Contexto. This past month, the same magazine has run Q&As by Faber with journalist Tim Weiner (on Russian meddling in the 2016 elections), photography curator Cynthia Young (on Robert Capa), and author Benjamin Moser (on his Susan Sontag biography), all in Spanish.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed on Spain's Efforts to Alleviate Economic Blow of COVID-19
April 13, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on the Real News Network about efforts in Spain to alleviate the economic blow of COVID-19 with a form of permanent income for the lowest-earning segments of society.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed about Impact of COVID-19 on Spain
March 30, 2020
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, was interviewed in a segment on the Real News Network about the impact of COVID-19 on the Spanish public healthcare system.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-Authors Analysis
January 8, 2020
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber co-authored a piece in the Nation analyzing the Spanish parliment's vote to install its first progressive coalition government in more than 80 years.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-Authors Piece
November 25, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber co-wrote a piece in the Nation covering the negotiations and prospects for a progressive government in Spain.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-Edits Book
November 19, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber co-edited a new book with Liverpool University Press. Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa is a 480-page volume with essays by 35 leading scholars working in Iberian, Latin American, African, and Luso-Brazilian studies. The other editors are Cecilia Enjuto-Rangel, Pedro García-Caro, and Robert Patrick Newcomb.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed on Here & Now
October 25, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on WBUR's Here & Now about what the exhumation of fomer Spanish dictator Gen. Francisco Franco's remains means for Spain and the politics of memory.
Sebastiaan Faber Appears on DW News
September 25, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on DW News about the decision by Spain's Supreme Court to exhume dictator Francisco Franco's remains from a large mausoleum near Madrid.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviews Joshua Sperling
September 6, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber interviewed Visiting Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies and Creative Writing Joshua Sperling about his biography of John Berger. The conversation was published in the Brooklyn Rail.
Sebastiaan Faber Writes Article, Gives Interview
August 2, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber coauthored the article "Will Spain Follow Europe’s Right-Wing Populist Trend?" in the Nation and was interviewed on the Real News Network about Spain's political impasse.
Sebastiaan Faber Writes Analysis, is Interviewed
April 30, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber co-wrote an analysis "In a Polarized Spain, Voters Give the Socialists Another Chance" in the Nation and spoke with the Real News Network about Spain's center-left Socialist Party win.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes in The Nation
April 27, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber published "Chronicling the Age of Hobsbawm: A Q&A With Historian Richard Evans" in the Nation.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed on Podcast
February 28, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber participated in a segment on University of Pennsylvania's Knowledge@Wharton podcast.
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed
February 27, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on the Real News Network about Spain's struggle for its identity as Catalan independence leaders face trial.
Sebastiaan Faber Writes About Spain’s Left-Wing Party
February 11, 2019
Professor and Chair of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber wrote about Spain’s left-wing party Podemos in the Nation.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes
January 14, 2019
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber's piece about Spain's radical right was published in the Nation.
Sebastiaan Faber Writes Story on Francisco Franco
November 13, 2018
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber's piece about General Francisco Franco titled "Spain Digs Up Its Past" was published in Foreign Affairs.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes, is Interviewed
October 10, 2018
Sebastiaan Faber, professor and chair of Hispanic Studies, published an article about Amsterdam's new city government in the Nation magazine on October 2. On October 3, together with Gijs Mulder, he published an interview with the Catalan president-in-exile, Carles Puigdemont, in the Spanish Revista Contexto. On September 29, Faber was interviewed on the KPFA evening news (Berkeley, CA) about the escalating situation in Catalonia. He was also interviewed for the October issue of the monthly magazine La Marea about an investigative piece that revealed irregularities in the Ph.D thesis by Spain's prime minister, Pedro Sánchez--a topic that dominated Spanish national news in September.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-authors
June 1, 2018
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, co-authored an article in the Nation about governmental developments in Spain. Read the article, “As Spain’s Government Is Voted Out, Catalonia Continues Its Roller-Coaster Ride.”
Sebastiaan Faber Writes Feature
April 16, 2018
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, wrote a feature piece in the Nation, “Is Dutch Bad Boy Thierry Baudet the New Face of the European Alt-Right?”
Sebastiaan Faber Writes Book on the Spanish Civil War
December 13, 2017
Professor and Chair of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber wrote Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography, published by Vanderbilt University Press.
The book traces the trajectories of iconic Spanish Civil War photographs by Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, and David Seymour; critically reads Spanish novels and essays; interrogates basic scholarly assumptions about history, memory, and literature; and interviews nine scholars, activists, and documentarians who have helped redefine Spain's relationship to its past.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-authors Article
December 5, 2017
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has co-authored an article in the Nation about political corruption in Spain. Read the article, "Spain's Conflict Over Catalonia is Covering Up Massive Political Corruption."
Sebastiaan Faber Interviewed Widely About Catalonia
October 6, 2017
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, was widely interviewed and quoted about the escalating situation in the Catalonian region of Spain. He co-authored an article in the Nation and was quoted in both the Washington Post and Bill Moyers' Daily Reads. Faber appeared on Democracy Now!, both in television and web features, Real News Network, Free Speech TV's Rising Up with Sonali , and on KPFT's Hi Monitor. He was also interviewed in Slate.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes in the Nation
September 29, 2017
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, co-authored a piece about Catalonia's relationship with Spain for the Nation, "Have Spain and Catalonia Reached a Point of No Return?"
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes Article
February 24, 2017
Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies, has written an article "Why the Dutch Are Drawn to Right-Wing Populist Geert Wilders." The article was published in The Nation.
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastian Faber publishes articles
August 17, 2016
Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has co-authored an article on Barcelona’s new city government for an ongoing series in The Nation called “Cities Rising.” He also has a review essay on Adam Hochschild’s new book in the current issue of Foreign Affairs. Earlier this year, he co-authored several articles in The Nation on Spanish politics, while regularly publishing pieces in the Spanish magazines FronteraD, La Marea, and Contexto.
Sebastiaan Faber Co-Authors Two Articles
September 24, 2015
Two articles coauthored by Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies and chair of Latin American studies, and Bécquer Seguín were recently published in the Nation.
Read “The Spanish Media Are the Worst in Europe. These Upstarts Are Trying to Change That” and "Will Catalonia’s Regional Elections Lead to the Breakup of Spain?."
Sebastiaan Faber Coauthors Article
July 30, 2015
An article coauthored by Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies and chair of Latin American studies, and Bécquer Seguín was published in the Nation. Read the article, “Why the Spanish Government Opposes Debt Relief for Greece”.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes
May 27, 2015
An article co-authored by Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies and chair of Latin American studies, and Bécquer Seguín was published in the Nation. The article, "In Spain’s Seismic Elections, ‘It’s the Victory of David Over Goliath’," discusses the shift in Spain's local and regional elections, which have changed the country's political landscape beyond recognition.
Sebastiaan Faber Publishes in The Nation
January 15, 2015
An article co-authored by Sebastiaan Faber, professor of Hispanic studies and chair of Latin American studies, and Bécquer Seguín was published in the Nation. The article, "Can Podemos Win in Spain," explores the ascension of Podemos, a political party in Spain founded just one year ago. The Nation subscribers can read the article here.
Sebastiaan Faber Gives Talks and Presents Human Rights Award
May 7, 2014
This past April 27, in New York City, Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber presented the fourth Annual ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, a $100,000 prize, to Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative. Earlier in April, Prof. Faber delivered keynote addresses at CUNY’s Annual Graduate Conference for Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures & Languages, and at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference in Lexington.
Sebastiaan Faber Presents and Publishes
February 12, 2014
Since the beginning of the fall semester, Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber has published an essay about the crisis of the humanities in the Spanish magazine FronteraD; an interview with National Security Archive analyst Kate Doyle and two columns in the Spanish cooperative newspaper La Marea; an essay about Catalan exiles in Mexico in the journal Fractal; a review essay in the journal ALCESXXI; and two peer-reviewed articles: one on the legacy of Spanish Civil War exile in Mexico in Historia del Presente and another on postmemory in Pasavento. He also gave a keynote address in November at a conference in Madrid about fiction, justice, and historical memory. Earlier in 2013, he published an interview with LSE historian Paul Preston. The new edition of Guillermo del Toro’s 2001 gothic masterpiece The Devil’s Backbone that came out with the Criterion Collection this past July includes an interview with Faber in a 15-minute featurette about the film’s historical background; he was also interviewed in a documentary about war photographer Robert Capa, El món en què volíem viure (The World in Which We Want to Live), which was broadcast on Catalan television on January 14.
Henry O’Connor ’24 Awarded Critical Language Scholarship
April 7, 2021
Teaching in the New Normal: Professor Sebastiaan Faber
April 22, 2020
Oberlin to Launch Integrative Concentration in Journalism
December 18, 2019