Paul Brehm

  • Associate Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies
  • Chair of Economics


  • PhD, University of Michigan, 2017


Paul Brehm conducts research on issues in energy and environmental economics and industrial organization. Specifically, he studies secondary market efficiency in the context of an oil lease lottery in Wyoming, the effect of hydraulic fracturing technology on greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity industry, and the effect of oil prices on greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation industry. He teaches classes in principles of economics, environmental economics, and energy economics.

Fall 2024

Seminar in Energy and Environmental Economics — ECON 432
Seminar in Energy and Environmental Economics — ENVS 432

Spring 2025

Principles of Economics — ECON 101
Environmental Economics — ECON 231
Environmental Economics — ENVS 231


Paul Brehm Publishes in The RAND Journal of Economics

September 21, 2021

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm's paper, "Information Asymmetry, Trade, and Drilling: Evidence from an Oil Lease Lottery" has been published in the fall 2021 issue of The RAND Journal of Economics.

Paul Brehm presents at SEA Annual Conference

August 5, 2021

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm presented at the SEA Annual Conference (November 21-23, 2020, virtual). He presented joint work with Professor Margaret Brehm, "Drill, Baby, Drill: Resource Shocks and Fertility, Evidence from Indonesia” and chaired the session.

Paul Brehm presents research at AERE summer conference

August 4, 2021

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm presented at the AERE Annual Summer Conference (June 2-4, 2021, virtual). He presented joint work with Professor Margaret Brehm, "Drill, Baby, Drill: Resource Shocks and Fertility, Evidence from Indonesia.” 

Paul Brehm presents research at MEA annual conference

August 4, 2021

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm presented at the MEA Annual Conference (March 22-26, 2021, virtual) in an AERE session. He presented joint work with Yiyuan Zhang, "The Efficiency and Environmental Impacts of Market Organization: Evidence from the Texas Electricity Market,” and chaired a separate session.


Paul Brehm Publishes in Resource and Energy Economics Journal

November 1, 2019

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm's paper, "Natural Gas Prices, Electric Generation Investment, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions" has been accepted for publication in the November 2019 issue of the journal Resource and Energy Economics.

Paul Brehm Presents Paper

October 31, 2019

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm was invited to present his paper, "Drill, Baby, Drill: Resource Shocks and Fertility in Indonesia," on September 13, 2019, at a seminar at Kent State University.

Paul Brehm Presents Paper

April 5, 2019

Paul Brehm, assistant professor of economics and environmental studies, presented his paper, "To Trade or not to Trade: Oil Leases, Information Asymmetry, and Coase" at a seminar series hosted by the economics department at Oklahoma State on March 29, 2019.

Paul Brehm Participates in Economics Conference

March 18, 2019

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm participated in the Midwest Economics Association (MEA) conference March 15-17, 2019 in St. Louis. Brehm presented a paper and served as a discussant at the conference.

Paul Brehm Participates as Presenter, Session Chair, and Discussant

March 27, 2018

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm participated as a paper presenter, session chair, and discussant at the annual Midwest Economics Association convention in Illinois.
