More than 120 Participants Took Part in Presidential Tire Flip Challenge
November 10, 2020
Oberlin Athletics
Each competitor was allotted one minute to flip the tire as many times as they could. At the end of the four hour event, 2,062 flips were made for an average of 16.8 per round.

Tennis Down Under
February 13, 2015
Amanda Nagy
Oberlin’s tennis teams took the trip of a lifetime to the Australian Open.

Improve Yourself to Dance
July 31, 2014
Phoebe Hammer
Some Oberlin athletes are turning to a surprising resource to augment their training:the college's dance department.

Another Side of Athletics
February 11, 2014
Phoebe Hammer
Oberlin athletes taking part in the conference’s Branch Rickey Mentor Program are gaining experience in athletics administration and making their voices heard.