Inspired by Social Change
April 27, 2015
Amanda Nagy
Politics major Machmud Makhmudov receives prestigious Truman Scholarship for graduate studies in public service.

Saksham Khosla '15 Receives a Carnegie Junior Fellowship
April 10, 2015
Rosalind Black
Politics and creative writing double-major and economics minor Saksham Khosla ’15 has been awarded a Carnegie Junior Fellowship in the South Asian Program.

Labor of Love
November 17, 2014
Rosalind Black
Once a politics and history major, John Kallas ’14 goes from studying contemporary American union strategy to practicing it on the streets of Cleveland.

Cole Scholars Turns 20
November 7, 2014
Communications Staff
Celebration features guest speaker Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore and Oberlin politics graduate.

A Little Chin Music: Pitcher Julian Sawhill Mows Down the Mozart Too
October 9, 2014
Daniel Hautzinger
A lefty hurler with a passion for politics, the junior from North Carolina has added viola to his repertoire.

On the Path to Entrepreneurship
June 9, 2014
Amanda Nagy
Robert Palacios ’14 has been recruited by Venture for America to help grow a startup company based in Cleveland.