Campus News
What are You Doing for Winter Term?
December 16, 2014
Lisa Gulasy

Year after year, Obies like you undertake incredible winter-term projects, and year after year, we in the Office of Communications love to share them. That’s why we’re asking you to send us your photos and links to other media or blogs to include in an Oberlin OnCampus photo gallery. We may also share your submission in other Oberlin publications and social media.
Use our submission form below to send the following information:
• the title of your project and its faculty or staff sponsor;
• the location of your project;
• a brief description of what you are doing, as well as what you hope to learn or achieve;
• the names of other Oberlin students involved in your project (if applicable); and
• a photo and or links to other media or blog
We accept submissions on an ongoing basis, but to ensure your submission is included in the media noted above, send it to us by Monday, February 9.
A few items for consideration when submitting photos:
• For online publication, photos must be at least 300 x 300 pixels and 72 dpi.
• If you would like your photo to be considered for possible print or as a homepage feature, it must be at least 1500 x 1500 pixels and 300 dpi.
• If other people appear in your photo or other media, let them know you are submitting their image for publication. If they object, do not share your item. If they approve, identify them (name and affiliation) in your project submission.
If you have any questions about this call for submission or any difficulties sending your information, send an e-mail to or Ma’ayan Plaut ’10, manager of social strategy and projects, at
[This form is no longer available.]
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