Faculty and Staff Notes

Cortney Smith Co-Authors Essay

January 21, 2020

Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing and Communication Cortney Smith's co-authored essay, "What to do when you’re raped’: Indigenous women critiquing and coping through a rhetoric of survivance," was published in the Quarterly Journal of Speech, the flagship journal for rhetoric and communication.

Jason Haugen Copresents Paper

January 17, 2020

Jason Haugen, associate professor of anthropology, copresented a paper at the 2020 winter meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) with senior linguistics major Nina Lorence-Ganong. Their paper examines historical linguistic connections between the Indigenous Uto-Aztecan and Plateau Penutian language families of western North America.

Veljko Vujacic's Book Translated to Russian and Serbian

January 16, 2020

Professor of Sociology Veljko Vujacic's book Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia (Cambridge University Press, 2015) appeared in Russian (St. Petersburg, The European University Press, 2019) and Serbian translations (Belgrade: CLIO press, 2019). Public presentations were organized in St. Petersburg (European University) on October, 22, 2019 and at the International Belgrade Book Fair on October 27, 2019.

Jillian Scudder Coauthors Publication

January 15, 2020

Assistant Professor of Physics Jillian Scudder coauthored a publication that appeared in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, which investigated what properties of a galaxy control its star formation rate.

Renee Romano Presents on Panel

January 15, 2020

Renee Romano, Robert S. Danforth Professor of History and professor of comparative American studies and Africana studies, presented on the panel, "Historicizing Heterosexuality" at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, held January 3-6, 2020, in New York City. The roundtable featured essays that will be published in the forthcoming volume, Heterosexual Histories. Romano spoke about her contribution to the volume, titled "The Strange Career of Interracial Heterosexuality."

Kristina Mani Interviewed

January 14, 2020

Associate Professor of Politics Kristina Mani was interviewed by E-International Relations, the leading open access website for students and scholars of international politics. In the interview, she talks about her research on Latin American militaries, their influence on national economic and political developments, and transnational issues facing the region.

Kirk Ormand Publishes Article

January 13, 2020

Professor of Classics Kirk Ormand published an article in a volume titled A Cultural History of Tragedy in Antiquity (Bloomsbury academic, 2020) edited by Emily Wilson. Ormand's article "Gender and Sexuality" appears in pp. 131-18. In it, Ormand summarizes the depiction of masculinity and femininity in Greek and Roman tragedy, and argues that the gender-based anxieties expressed on those dramas reflect shifts and points of tension in the social and political structures of fifth-century BCE Athens and first century CE Rome.

Karl Offen Publishes in Journal

January 12, 2020

Professor of Environmental Studies Karl Offen published "Subsidy from Nature: Green Sea Turtles in the Colonial Caribbean" in the Journal of Latin American Geography.

Rian Brown-Orso and Geoff Pingree's Film Reviewed in Journal

January 11, 2020

Associate Professor of Cinema Studies Rian Brown-Orso and Professor of Cinema Studies and English Geoff Pingree's documentary film, The Foreigner's Home was reviewed by Shahram Khosravi, professor of anthropology at Stockholm University, in the journal Anthropology News.

Kirk Ormand Organizes and Co-Chairs Panel

January 9, 2020

Professor of Classics Kirk Ormand organized and co-chaired a panel at the meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (Jan. 2-5, Washington DC), in collaboration with Kristina Milnor of Barnard College / Columbia University. Ormand's panel, titled "Lesbianism before Sexuality" consisted of five scholars from the US and UK, each of whom presented a paper investigating different aspects of female homoerotic desire in ancient Greece and Rome. Sandra Boehringer of the Université de Strasbourg offered a response.