Campus Bulletin: Current Students, Faculty and Staff
Higher Education Recruitment Enterprise Appoints Chief Human Resources Officer Joe Vitale to Leadership Role
April 7, 2022 3:00 PM
Communications Staff
The Higher Education Recruitment Enterprise (HERC) has announced that Joseph Vitale, Oberlin College Chief Human Resources Officer, has been named as a Regional Advisory Board Member and to a leadership role as Vice Chairperson for the Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia (OH/WPA/WV) HERC.
Vitale completed his prior term as Advisory Board Chairperson in 2017. In 2012, he extended his reach from Kent State, his previous institution, to the entire Northeast Ohio community by helping first establish this region's HERC. While holding the role of membership chairperson, the group grew to become the “Ohio, Western PA, West Virginia HERC,” inclusive of 30 distinguished colleges and universities. Under Vitale’s leadership, the Ohio, Western PA, West Virginia HERC became the first HERC nationally to integrate a non-educational member through a new membership with the Cleveland Clinic.
HERC is a non-profit membership organization consisting of over 600 colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies and related non-and for-profit organizations. HERC offers the largest database of higher education and related jobs in the world. Its central coordinating office and fourteen regional offices work collaboratively on HERC-wide initiatives. The Tides Center is the National HERC office fiscal sponsor providing 501c3 non-profit status as well as legal, governance, HR, and administrative support. HERC advances member institutions' ability to recruit and retain the most diverse and talented workforce and to assist dual-career couples.