A Month in the Sciences

No classes for four weeks? What’s a hard-working, enthusiastic, overscheduled Oberlin College student to do? A winter-term project of course.

female student with science goggles looking straight at test tubes.

Natasha Powell ‘20, spent winter term in Professor Robert Thompson’s analytical chemistry lab.

Photo credit: Mike Crupi

While most students organize winter-term projects off campus in January, the pulse of the Science Center at Oberlin College continues to thrive.

With uninterrupted access to professors, laboratories, scientific equipment, and no other classes to compete for time, students can continue projects started during the academic year or get involved in research they’ve always wanted to explore.

Our ‘‘Month in the Sciences’’ photo gallery offers a glimpse of some of the faculty-led research that students take part in; some of which begins well before and extends past the designated four weeks.

Explore student research during winter term