
Academic Program in Economics

Program Requirements

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We offer courses in economic theory; courses that apply economic theory to analyze such topics as labor markets, globalization and international trade, environmental policy, public finance, the banking system, and economic development, as well as courses on statistical methodology and data analysis.

Advanced courses and seminars prepare you to evaluate complex economic problems, conduct economic research, study policy measures, and develop strategies for problem solving. We encourage you to take as many mathematics courses as possible if you plan to do graduate work in economics, public policy, or business. 

Economics majors who distinguish themselves through coursework and academic standing are eligible for the yearlong Honors Program. The program entails doing original economics research, a comprehensive examination, and an oral evaluation by a prominent economist.

Our Social Science Data Lab has modern computers and the latest software for data analysis. Visit the lab to conduct substantive online research, as well as for data collection and examination for a host of economic issues such as currency exchange rates, poverty rates, labor statistics, and petroleum prices.

In addition, majors are eligible to work as Albert Rees  research assistants for permanent and visiting faculty members in the economics department.

Juniors or seniors may apply for the winter term Albert Rees Policy Fellowship, established at Oberlin in 1996 to honor the noted labor economist who served under President Gerald Ford. The Rees fellowship enables students to hold internships at the Council of Economic Advisers in Washington when the council prepares the annual Economic Report of the President.