F. Zeb Page

  • Professor of Geosciences
  • Chair of Geosciences

Areas of Study


  • BA, Macalester College, 1999
  • MS University Michigan Ann Arbor, 2001
  • PhD, University Michigan Ann Arbor, 2005


Zeb Page is a geochemist and metamorphic petrologist with particular interests in undergraduate teaching and research, as well as in situ techniques and high-pressure metamorphic rocks. His research makes use of electron- and ion-beam instruments to measure the chemistry of minerals within the textural context of their host rock.

He is interested in using the high-pressure metamorphic rock eclogite as a probe to reconstruct the pressure, temperature, time, and fluid histories of subduction zones by studying the composition, oxygen isotope ratios, and uranium and lead isotopes of garnet, zircon, and other minerals.

Page also studies the diffusion of oxygen through zircon and garnet, the use of trace elements in minerals as thermometers, and many other things.

Please see my personal webpage for more information and find the current syllabus for GEOS 201: Mineralogy & Optical Crystallography .

Fall 2024

The Anthropocene: Human Actions, Global Consequences — FYSP 026

Mineralogy and Optical Crystallography — GEOS 201

Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599F

Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599H

Spring 2025

Geology of Natural Resources — GEOS 123

Geosciences Capstone Seminar — GEOS 419

Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599F

Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599H


Zeb Page Paper Published in "Journal of Metamorphic Geology"

April 6, 2023

Professor of Geosciences Zeb Page recently published a paper in the Journal of Metamorphic Geology in collaboration with geochemists from England and Scotland entitled "A rutile and titanite record of subduction fluids: Integrated oxygen isotope and trace element analyses in Franciscan high-pressure rocks."

Zeb Page and Emilie Lozier '18 coauthor paper

June 8, 2021

Associate Professor of Geology Zeb Page and Emilie Lozier '18 have coauthored a new paper in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology with colleagues. This work combines stable isotope analyses of metamorphic garnet made by Lozier while at Oberlin with trace element analyses conducted at the University of Maine and in Mainz, Germany. This approach allows geochemists to decipher a detailed fluid and metamorphic history of an ancient subduction zone in California. Lozier is pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at Northwestern University.


Dinosaur Bones and Meteorites

September 28, 2015

Henry Towbin ’13 leads an interdepartmental lab at the American Museum of Natural History that looks into a wide array of questions about natural history.