Undergraduate Research

Oberlin Summer Research Institute (OSRI)

Summer researchers take a group photo at the closing barbecue August, 2022. This community building activity was organized by the Oberlin Summer Research Institute (OSRI).
Summer researchers take a group photo at the closing barbecue August, 2022. This community building activity was organized by the Oberlin Summer Research Institute (OSRI).
Photo credit: Amanda Phillips

The Oberlin Summer Research Institute (OSRI) began as an idea initiated by Professor of Biology Yolanda Cruz. Each summer, dozens of students remain on Oberlin’s campus to conduct research with professors.

Professor Cruz proposed a collection of events that would bring those students together to build research skills and community with one another. OSRI is now an annual series of professional development workshops and community-building activities.

The program is sponsored by Oberlin Undergraduate Research (OUR). Sessions takes place each June and July on the campus of Oberlin College and in the surrounding community.