Campus News
Who is Shirley Ritenour?
March 11, 2021
Yvonne Gay

You may have encountered Shirley Ritenour, a licensed practical nurse, while registering for a COVID-19 test in Hales Gymnasium. But do you know what Ritenour is looking forward to after the pandemic is over? Find out in this installment of Who Am I, Behind the Mask.
Full Name: Shirley Ritenour
Nickname(s)? Bird
What is your professional title? [Licensed Practical Nurse] LPN
How long have you been in this profession? 13 years
What does your job entail at Oberlin's testing center? I float at Oberlin College, from COVID-19 testing students and staff to registering.
What are you looking forward to after the pandemic? I'm looking forward to just being able to hang out with my family and friends without restrictions.
What’s the best thing that recently happened to you? I got married in August.
Who is your favorite superhero? Wonder Woman. She’s strong, fearless, and protective.
What do you do for fun? I like to play video and board games.
Favorite foods? Seafood
Favorite quote? “Don't sweat the small stuff.”
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