Campus News

This Week in Photos: Inside the Classroom

October 22, 2020

Yvonne Gay

A student looks at a long cylinder with colored liquid in it.
General chemistry lab.
Photo credit: Yvonne Gay

While Oberlin’s green spaces have welcomed several classes outside this semester, many others remain indoors. In this week’s photo series, we take a peek inside laboratories, art and music studios, and classes across campus.

Visit more fall semester classes on Oberlin’s Flickr site.


Two art student draw on large wooden easels.
Studio art class. Photo credit: Yvonne Gay
Students in a class.
Class in King Building. Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones ’97
A lecture hall with students listening to a teacher.
Craig Lecture Hall. Photo credit: Yvonne Gay
A double bass class.
Stull Hall. Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones ’97
A student writes at a desk.
Science Center chemistry class. Photo credit: Yvonne Gay

This edition of This Week in Photos is a selection of images and is not meant to represent a weekly timeline. Images highlight campus, community, people, and events related to Oberlin College.


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