News Collection

Awards and Honors

Throughout the year, Oberlin faculty, students, and alumni compete for scholarships and fellowships that reward high achievement in disciplines across the board. From STEM fields to musical performance to social activism, Obies see their hard work, dedication, and talent recognized and supported by the most prestigious foundations and organizations in higher education.

A passion for languages and education is why Oberlin is consistently ranked as one of the top producers of Fulbright scholars  among undergraduate institutions. The Fulbright fellowship and many others can take projects and research to the next level, allow for travel opportunities and exposure to cultures around the world, and enable Obies to put their education to use by helping those in need.

Haoyuan Gao Wins Oberlin's 2024 Nexial Prize

Haoyuan Gao ’24, a biology and neuroscience double major with minors in book studies, chemistry, and East Asian studies, has been named the winner of Oberlin’s 2024 Nexial Prize. The award is presented to an outstanding science student with aspirations for interdisciplinary research.
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a smiling student wearing a suit coat and tie

Those Who Can, Teach

May 20, 2020

Rania Adamczyk ’20 plots a course for India through a Fulbright teaching assistantship.
double degree student Rania Adamczyk.

How Organs Become Vital

May 18, 2020

International travel—and Oberlin opportunities—proved pivotal for Fulbright Finalist Celina Kobetitsch ’18.
organist and pianist Celina Kobetitsch.
