Faculty and Staff Notes

Danielle Terrazas Williams Presents at Conference

August 6, 2019

Assistant Professor of History Danielle Terrazas Williams presents paper, "'I Do Not Owe Anything to Anyone': Seventeenth-Century Black Women Entrepreneurs on Mexico’s Royal Road" at the World History Association's 28th Annual Conference.

Karl Offen Presents at Environmental History Conference

August 5, 2019

Professor of Environmental Studies Karl Offen presented the paper "'Infinitt numbers': Green Sea Turtles in the Colonial Caribbean" at the 3rd World Congress of Environmental History held July 22 to 26, 2019, in Florianópolis, Brazil.

John Congdon and Will Gravitt Present at Conference

August 4, 2019

Major Gifts Officer John Congdon '90 and Senior Major Gifts Officer Will Gravitt presented at the annual Major Gift Conference (MaGiC ) on connecting with possible donors and measuring the effectiveness of a fundraising operation.

Eve Sandberg Presents Paper

August 2, 2019

Professor of Politics Eve Sandberg presented the paper “Populism and Its Challenges in Zambia” at the 2019 annual International Studies Association (ISA) conference in Toronto.

Sebastiaan Faber Writes Article, Gives Interview

August 2, 2019

Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber coauthored the article "Will Spain Follow Europe’s Right-Wing Populist Trend?" in the Nation and was interviewed on the Real News Network about Spain's political impasse.

Eve Sandberg and Bara Watts Participate in Workshop

August 1, 2019

Professor of Politics Eve Sandberg and Director of Entrepreneurship Bara Watts were invited participants in a two-day pedagogical workshop on Social (Justice) Impact Entrepreneurship in the Liberal Arts: Curricular & Co-curricular Innovations & Connections. The workshop was sponsored by the American Association of Liberal Arts Colleges (AALAC) and hosted at Mount Holyoke College. Other participants included faculty and administrators from: Swarthmore, Middlebury, Wesleyan, Macalester, Grinnell, Smith, Holyoke, and the University of Massachusetts.
