Megan Flansburg


  • Assistant Professor of Geosciences

Areas of Study


  • PhD 2022, The University of Texas at Austin
  • MS 2018, The University of Texas at Austin
  • BS 2015, The College of William & Mary


Megan Flansburg combines structural geology, geochronology, thermochronology, and metamorphic petrology to answer tectonic problems. She is particularly interested in dating mylonites, or the timing of ductile fabric formation, exposed in metamorphic core complexes and mid-crustal shear zones. She also utilizes low-temperature thermochronology to understand the timing of faulting and shallow crustal exhumation in extensional and contractional terranes. Her research aims to shed light on the role of deep-time structural inheritance on recent to present day deformation and tectonic hazards.

Please visit Megan Flansburg’s personal website to learn more about her research and teaching.

  • Multi-scale structural geology and tectonics
  • Petrochronology, geochronology, and thermochronology
  • Field geology and field geoscience education

Fall 2024

Earth's Interior: Its Character, Dynamics and Development — GEOS 206
Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599F
Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599H

Spring 2025

Earth Time — GEOS 126
Structural Geology — GEOS 340
Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599F
Geosciences Practicum — GEOS 599H