
Showing events for April 17, 2024. View all Events

The OBP survey

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The Oberlin Business Partnership is committed to supporting and promoting the growth of local businesses in the community, and in order to better understand the needs and preferences of our residents...


Presenting Your Research

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    Science Center

Presenting at the Oberlin College Research Symposium on April 26th? Come learn tips for preparing your presentation and how to effectively communicate your research. Peer Speaking Associates will be...


Museum Career Insights

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These monthly sessions introduce students to careers in museums, arts administration, cultural heritage, and public humanities. For more information or to register, visit ...


Law & Justice Scholars Ceremony

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Rice Hall

The College of Oberlin and Conservatory of Music take immense pride in celebrating the academic achievements and dedication to the pursuit of justice demonstrated by our Law & Justice Scholars...


Artist Talk: Tali Hinkis

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Clarence Ward ’37 Art Building

Tali Hinkis, aka LoVid, will share works from the duo’s 20+ year career centered around the exploration of video as an object within interdisciplinary contexts. The presentation will emphasize...


Student Grief & Loss Support Circle

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Lewis House and Multifaith Center

Foremost, an in-person space for students managing grief or loss of a family member, friend or loved one. Attendance at one or multiple sessions is welcome. No registration required, but timeliness...


Stigma & Substance Abuse Disorders Workshop

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Student Health and Wellbeing Facility (Dascomb)
    Student Health Conference Room

Anyone is welcome to learn about the disease of addiction and its effects on the brain, why addiction is stigmatized within society, the consequences of shame and stigma on the individual and family...


Interfaith Chocolate Seder

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Wilder Hall

Interfaith Chocolate Seder is a fun welcoming space open to all, where we will discuss some topics central to Passover, including liberty, and order, and most importantly eat Chocolate and sweets. It...

