
Silkroad Ensemble: Artist Discussion and Demonstration

Date, time, location

Thursday, April 25, 2024
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT

Clonick Hall

77 W. College St.
Oberlin, OH 44074

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Free Admission, no tickets required

Origin Stories: Silkroad artists, Pura Fé, Haruka Fujii, and Maeve Gilchrist, will take you on a journey of their musical origins and how their cultural traditions, experiences, and exchanges led them to become the musicians they are today.


Conservatory visitors are asked to enter the complex through either Bibbins Hall’s east entrance (off College Place, across from the Oberlin College Bookstore) or the Conservatory Lounge’s west entrance (off S. Professor St., adjacent to the Conservatory Pond). All other entrances will be closed to the public.

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