Office for Institutional Equity

Consent Month

April 11 to May 8, 2022

The Office of EDI and PRSM, in conjunction with the Peer Support Center and SOSHA (Survivors of Sexual Harm and Allies) will offer a wide range of programming this month to remind the Oberlin community about ways to prevent sexual harm from happening.

List of Events



CON-sent Essentials: Consent in the Conservatory

Saturday, April 16
1 to 3 p.m.
Bibbins 223

Ever feel insulated from the real world while you’re in the conservatory? CON-sent essentials will take the Consent Essentials training into conservatory life. We will talk about relationships, consent, and communication within the conservatory, specifically modeled for musicians. Topics covered will involve healthy relationships and consent within ensemble groups, studios, orchestra, and common spaces of the conservatory. Registration not required.

Consent 301

Thursday, April 21
7 to 9 p.m.
King 239

This workshop expands on the skills learned in PRSM’s Consent Essentials Training and adds new considerations to how you have changed since you first took Consent Essentials. We will explore Oberlin culture, hook up culture, power dynamics, and boundaries. This workshop will include consent within sexual situations, but also consent and power dynamics existing outside of sexual contexts. This is a discussion-based workshop exploring what it means to be an upperclassman and the power and responsibility that comes along with the time that you have spent at Oberlin. Registration not required.

Consent for Men

Sunday, April 24
1 to 3 p.m.
Wilder 101

From locker room talk to gender stereotypes, this workshop provides a space for male-identifying people to share experiences and discuss “positive masculinity.” We will be covering information about consent, communication, sex, hook-up culture, and relationships at Oberlin. Registration not required.

Consent and Art

Thursday, April 28
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Wilder 112

Come hang out with a few PRSM trainers and use our art supplies to make a poster/comic/etc that could be hung in a campus space to remind people to Make Consent a Conversation. Or, make art for yourself. Bring your own snacks and drinks, and your questions about consent. Registration not required.


Friday, April 29
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Wilder Bowl