Office for Institutional Equity

Video Series: Let's Make Consent a Conversation

This year, during the Let's Make Consent a Conversation awareness campaign, we are rolling out a series of videos that demonstrate Oberlin’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy. At the end of the year, we’ll combine these videos, and send it to incoming first-year and transfer students.

Video 1: So what is consent, anyway?

The Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy says consent is informed, freely and actively given, mutually understandable, and specific to a given situation. Reading and understanding the words is the easy part. Putting in to practice may feel hard. Aren't sure how to do that? This video shows you what consent can look like.

Video 2: How do drugs and alcohol influence consent?

Video 3: How can power dynamics influence consent?

Video 4: What does saying “no” look like?