Vocal Studies
Richard Miller Classical Voice Competition for High School Students
This competition is a presentation of the Oberlin Conservatory Division of Vocal Studies.

Young vocalist performs for a master class in Kulas Recital Hall at the 2023 Richard Miller Competition.
The Richard Miller Classical Voice Competition for High School Students is named in honor of longtime Oberlin Conservatory voice faculty member, author, pedagogue, and performing artist. This competition has been established to encourage and support high school students in pursuit of a career in classical vocal music.
Fifteen semifinalists compete for cash awards and scholarships to Oberlin College and Conservatory, as well as the opportunity to appear in master classes with esteemed members of the competition jury, made up of voice faculty at Oberlin, and a prominent guest from the field.
- 1st prize - $2500
- 2nd prize - $1500
- 3rd prize - $1000
- 4th and 5th prizes, "Howard Lubin Encouragement Awards" - $500 each
- Scholarships
All prizes awarded are at the discretion of the judges.
Eligibility: The competition is open to sophomore, junior, and senior high school students recommended by their choral or voice teachers.
Required competition repertoire: Participants must prepare three contrasting pieces from the classical repertoire, including spirituals and folksongs, one of which must be in the singer’s native language.
Application procedure:
Applicant must provide—
- a letter of recommendation from the participant’s current voice teacher or choral instructor
- an unedited video (provide YouTube links to your video recordings); see Video Guidelines
- $45 non-refundable application fee
Video Guidelines:
- All videos must include memorized performances of three contrasting selections from the standard classical repertoire (including spirituals and folksongs) and be performed with live piano accompaniment.
- A spoken introduction that includes only the contestant’s name and the title of the selection should begin each recorded performance.
- The applicant may submit one video with all performances included, or three separate videos for each selection.
- Videos should give an accurate impression of the contestant’s voice (with no enhancement or editing) and with contestants appearing in full view.
Competition Rules:
Live competition rounds and master classes will be held in person on the campus of Oberlin Conservatory in Kulas Recital Hall.
Oberlin Conservatory's professional collaborative pianists will be provided for the semifinal and final rounds. There will be no opportunity to rehearse with the pianist before the competition.
2024 Competition
Date and Location
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Oberlin Conservatory, Kulas Recital Hall
Oberlin, OH
- Salvatore Champagne, director
- bass-baritone Daniel Okulitch '99 (BM and MM), guest jury member and master class teacher
- Oberlin Voice Faculty
September 30: Application deadline
October 11: Competition participants will be notified whether they have been admitted to the live rounds in Oberlin.
October 28: Any changes in competition repertoire must be submitted to the competition administration for approval.
November 9: Competition day in Oberlin
9:30-11:30 a.m. Semifinals
Semifinalists will sing one piece of their choosing and one chosen by the panel of judges.
Each singer will be allotted a maximum performance time of seven minutes.
11:55 a.m. Announcement of Master Class Participants
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Lunch will be provided for all competition participants.
1:00-2:45 p.m. Master Class with Oberlin Faculty
3:00-4:15 p.m. Master Class with Daniel Okulitch
4:30 p.m. Announcement of Final Round Participants
5:00 p.m. Finals Concert and Awards Presentation
Open to the public. Free admission
Participants will sing one selection of their choosing.
Performance order will be established at random.
6:00-6:30 p.m. Light Reception
Stull Recital Hall
6:30 p.m. Dinner on your own
8:00 p.m. Oberlin Opera Theater presents Massenet's Cendrillon
Hall Auditorium
Complimentary tickets will be provided to competition participants.
The 15 vocalists who will participate in live rounds in Oberlin are:
Isaac Ahn, Fort Lee, NJ
Anabelle Calles Miami Lakes, FL
Grace Davis, Arlington, WA
Nikolas Epstein, Winston Salem, NC
Amarantha Flachs-Hernandez, Alexandria, VA
Olivia Glod, Elmhurst, IL
Valentina Gomez, Miami, FL
Caroline Jacobson, Spring, TX
Anderson Rambler, Canton, OH
Taylor-Marie Robinson, Greenville, SC
Maureen Shields, Northfield, MA
Sara Springett, Spring, TX
Lavinia Watkins, Laguna Beach, CA
Eddie Zhou, Westborough, MA
Kevin Zhou, Westborough, MA
The Richard Miller Classical Voice Competition for High School Students is supported in part by funds given in memory of former Oberlin College and Conservatory faculty member and alumnus Howard Lubin '75.
Learn more about Vocal Studies at Oberlin

The Division of Vocal Studies is dedicated to nurturing the undergraduate singer and includes the departments of Voice and Opera Theater.
Oberlin Conservatory develops young singers through private study, vocal coaching, diction and language courses, pedagogy classes, and study of music that spans genres, eras, and styles. Students gain confidence, performance acumen, auditioning skills, and artistry, opening a world of possibilities.