College of Arts and Sciences Admissions Office

Charlie Rinehart-Jones

Senior Admissions Fellow: Charlie Rinehart-Jones

male student with dark hair wearing blue checkered shirt.
Photo credit: Shafe Selvidge ’21

Charlie (he/him) is from New York City, New York, and is majoring in cinema studies and politics, with a minor in creative writing.

At Oberlin, he is a Politics Major Representative; managing editor of The Grape , an alternative student newspaper; and a Peer Advising Leader. He also has been highly involved in student government through Student Senate and Class Council.

After Oberlin, he is interested in working in electoral politics. He has participated in the Oberlin Congressional Winter Term Internship and the Initiative in Electoral Politics program.

One of his favorite things about Oberlin is the passion that each and every student has for what they care about. He has discovered that being in a community of people who are constantly pursuing new and interesting projects to be life-changing.

Contact Charlie