Work Policies During Pandemic
November 13, 2020 4:30 PM
Joe Vitale, Chief Human Resources Officer
Dear Oberlin Faculty and Staff,
We all have been working under the threat of this pandemic for the past eight months. The college has worked hard to reduce the number of people working on campus, with the goal of protecting the health and safety of our community.
Those workers who provide vital support have come to campus all year to maintain services and safeguard students. The college has provided them with the personal protection equipment or PPE and the guidance from Lorain County Public Health that they need to protect themselves. Others returned to work over the past several months, as their jobs dictated or as their level of comfort improved.
During his remarks this week, Governor Mike DeWine said that Ohio remained in a state of emergency and he restated that if people can work from home, they should. I am writing to reiterate the College’s commitment to workplace safety and working remotely when appropriate.
Some work on campus is essential because of its role in maintaining the campus’ safety and welfare. Other jobs must be completed on campus because of the nature of their responsibilities, including those where face-to-face interactions are critical. However, thanks to investments in technology, some work also may be done remotely, often on a rotational basis.
We ask all college departments to continue to evaluate their operational needs and the roles their staff play in executing their institutional responsibilities. If work can be completed effectively and efficiently from a remote location, supervisors may consider employing a remote schedule or workplace rotation.
As a reminder, for staff who work remotely, including on a rotational basis, a Remote Work Agreement should be completed and kept on file. Employees who complete this agreement should understand that it can be changed over time, based on the college’s needs.
For those working on campus, please remember to complete the Full Measure questionnaire daily. Whenever you are on campus, wear your mask unless you are alone in a room, maintain 6 feet of distance from others, and wash your hands regularly.
It is the responsibility of all institutional employees to monitor official Oberlin College communications related to extraordinary events. It is also your responsibility to assure that your contact information in the Department of Human Resources is accurate. In the event of an emergency or disaster, your supervisor may need to contact you directly to provide important updates or other information.
Oberlin College continues to follow compliance guidelines set forth by the state of Ohio. The college reinforces key public health messages and protocols. We ask all of our institutional employees to be diligent in doing the same, referenced in the Employee COVID-19 Acknowledgement. This includes choices regarding travel, as outlined in the Faculty & Staff ObieSafe Travel Tips.
Thank you. Be well and be safe.
Joe Vitale
Chief Human Resources Officer