Oberlin Blogs

Emily Humphreys ’21

Hello! My name is Emily, and I’m a third-year biology major from Massachusetts. Outside of class, I love sitting in tree swings, making tea with my roommate, and trying to find the highest point on campus (Is it the “hill” next to the field house?). I spend many afternoons running after a disk on North Fields with the Preying Manti women and trans Ultimate Frisbee team. I’ve also been a member of Pyle Co-op, taken way too many ExCos, and worked as a math tutor at Eastwood Elementary School.

The last two years, I have been doing research with Professor Mike Moore in the biology department. My work centers on uncovering the evolutionary history of a flowering plant family called Nyctaginaceae. Looking to the future, I hope to find a way to combine the passion for botany I uncovered in his lab with my interest in medicine.

I’m so excited to be writing for you this year, and would love to hear any thoughts you have on my posts!

Entries from this blogger

Four O’Clock in the Moore Lab

October 31, 2019

I still think it’s remarkable that it's possible to take a leaf that I held in my hand, and get to a point where I can know the exact genetic sequence that lies deep in the nucleus of the plant cells.
