Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies

Exterior view of Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies.
The glass facade of the environmentally friendly Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies (AJLC).
Photo credit: Dale Preston ’83

This solar-powered building has earned national acclaim as a showcase for green building technologies and operating systems. Photovoltaic panels on the center’s roof and parking pavilion capture renewable energy from the sun and south-facing windows allow for passive solar heating. Indoors, a specially engineered wetland called the Living Machine purifies non-potable wastewater for reuse in toilets and the landscape.

Flows of energy and cycling of materials are monitored and displayed by a sophisticated system (150+ sensors) that gives real-time feedback, teaching about sustainability in the built environment.


Constitution Day

4:30 pm to 6:00 pm EDT
Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies

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