All Roads Class Visits: April 5


All Roads Lead to Oberlin

Friday, April 5, 2024

We are thrilled to welcome you to campus for All Roads Lead to Oberlin! Click here to view a detailed program schedule. Printed copies will also be available at check-in.

Class Visits

Class visits are available throughout the day, beginning at 8:35 am. Space in certain courses is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. This page lists all available courses and will not be updated to remove courses as they fill up during registration. Please refer to the list of courses at check-in for the most up-to-date information on course availability.

If you are interested in attending a 9:00 am class, we recommend that you arrive at 8:15 am to allow for ample time to check in, select your class, and walk to the class location. You may not reserve a spot for a specific course in advance. Class sign-ups are initially limited to one class per student, but you may be able to sign up for an additional class after 9:30 am.

Courses are listed in alphabetical order by department. Please see the Oberlin course catalog for full course descriptions.

Course Number Course Title
NSCI 121 Electrochemical Basis
STAT 113 Introduction to Statistics

Course Number Course Title
ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ARTH 215 Saints and Relics in Medieval and Renaissance Art
CHEM 102 Chemistry Principles
CHEM 213 Inorganic Chemistry
CSCI 151 Data Structures
CSCI 373 Applied Machine Learning
DANC 200 Contemporary Dance II - Intermediate
DANC 300 Contemporary Dance III - Advanced
ECON 253 Intermediate Microeconomics
FREN 206 Français intermédiaire II (taught in French)
FREN 309 Plaisir de lire
GERM 101 Elementary German
HISP 203 Intermediate Spanish II (taught in Spanish)
MATH 134 Calculus II
MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 301 Foundations of Analysis
MATH 327 Algebra I: Group Theory
MHST 101 Introduction to History and Literature of Music
MUTH 131 Music Theory I
MUTH 132 Music Theory II
PHIL 201 Reason and Argument
PSYC 215 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
PSYC 300 Research Methods II
RUSS 306 Advanced Russian II
SOCI 174 Introduction to Sociology: Swallowing the Red Pill
SOCI 223 Critical Criminology

Course Number Course Title
ANTH 102 Human Origins
ARTH 299 Methods of Art History
BIOL 336 Genomics
CAST 201 Latinas/os in Comparative Perspective
CRWR 250 Introduction to Literary Translation
CSCI 150 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI 275 Programming Abstractions
ENVS 217 Qualitative Methods for Environmental Studies
FREN 206 Français intermédiaire II (taught in French)
GREK 102 Elementary Greek II
HISP 203 Intermediate Spanish II (taught in Spanish)
HIST 122 MENA History Since 1800
ITAL 102 Beginning Italian II
JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II
LATN 102 Introduction to Latin Prose II
MATH 134 Calculus II
MATH 232 Linear Algebra
MHST 101 Introduction to History and Literature of Music
MUTH 131 Music Theory I
MUTH 132 Music Theory II
MUTH 251 Cycles
PHIL 201 Reason and Argument
PHYS 104 Elementary Physics II
PHYS 340 Physics of Materials
RELG 216 Apocalyptic
RUSS 204 Intermediate Russian
SOCI 219 Race and Racism in the U.S.
STAT 113 Introduction to Statistics

Course Number Course Title
ANTH 278 Human Rights, Universalism and Cultural Relativism
BIOL 234 Human Anatomy Lecture and Lab
CINE 291 Fundamentals of Cinema Production
EAST 134 Masterworks of Premodern Chinese Literature
ECON 101 Principles of Economics
ECON 317 Industrial Organization
HISP 334 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
HIST 107 Russian History I
MATH 232 Linear Algebra
MATH 357 Harmonic Analysis
MUTH 132 Music Theory II
MUTH 150 Music and the Mind
PHYS 242 Electronics
POLT 207 Social Movements and the Policy Process
RELG 218 Authority and Dissent
SOCI 123 Introduction to Sociology: Unveiling Socially-Constructed Reality
SOCI 216 Medical Sociology
STAT 113 Introduction to Statistics

Course Number Course Title
EAST 249 Green Japan
ENGL 302 The Wild West, the New West, and the Weird West
HISP 304 Advanced Grammar & Composition
JAPN 302 Japanese Reading & Conversation II
JAZZ 120 Jazz Theory I
LATN 312 Lucan & Seneca
PHIL 126 Problems of Philosophy
SOCI 274 Sociology of Immigration
SOCI 284 Environmental Sociology

Course Number Course Title
CSCI 210 Introduction to Computer Architecture
FREN 380 Esclavage et liberté (taught in French)
HISP 319 Grandes Novelas Chicas (taught in Spanish)
HIST 234 Bandits, Terrorists, Partisans: Non-State Political Violence in Modern Europe
PHIL 126 Problems of Philosophy
RELG 233 Ghosts in Japanese Religion

Course Number Course Title
SOCI 110 Introduction to Sociology: Social Structure, Inequality, and Behavior

Open Office Hours

If you want to explore or have questions for other departments, here are the drop-in hours for offices across campus. Offices are listed in alphabetical order.

Academic and Advising Resource Center (AARC)
Bosworth Hall, Room 107
50 West Lorain Street
2:00 — 3:00 PM

Allen Memorial Art Museum
87 North Main Street
10:00 AM — 5:00 PM
4:00 PM Object Talk: This event is part of the Object Talk series, during which the Allen's Gallery Guides give informal talks on their favorite objects in the collection. Please meet in the King Sculpture Court. 

Bonner Center for Service and Learning
Mudd Center, Garden Level
148 West College Street
12:30 — 4:00 PM

Center for Student Success
Stevenson Hall, Room 106
155 North Professor Street
1:00 — 4:00 PM

Central Ticket Service
Hall Auditorium
67 North Main Street
1:00 — 5:00 PM
Tickets are also sold one hour before curtain at the performance facility.

College of Arts & Sciences Admissions Office
38 East College Street
8:30 AM — 4:30 PM

Conservatory of Music Admissions Office
Conservatory Annex, Second Floor
39 West College Street
8:30 AM — 4:30 PM

Letterpress Studio Open House
Mudd Center, 2nd floor
148 West College Street
1:00 — 4:00 PM
Print a souvenir of your visit to Oberlin on a working printing press in the Libraries' Letterpress Studio. All are welcome! Learn more about the Letterpress Studio.

Multicultural Resource Commons
Wilder Hall, Room 212
135 West Lorain Street
1:30 — 3:30 PM

Oberlin Bookstore
37 West College Street
9:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Office for Disability and Access
Mudd Center, Room 205
148 West College Street
2:00 — 4:00 PM
Families also have the option to schedule an individual appointment.

Office of Financial Aid
One-on-one meetings are available, located in the Admissions Office
38 East College Street
12:00 — 4:00 PM

Office of Study Away
Mudd Center, Garden Level
148 West College Street
12:30 — 4:00 PM

Terrell Main Library, Mudd Center
148 West College Street
8:00 AM — 8:00 PM

Clarence Ward Art Library
83 North Main Street
8:30 AM — 5:30 PM

Science Library
119 Woodland Street
8:30 AM — 5:30 PM

Conservatory of Music Library
77 West College Street
8:30 AM — 5:30 PM