Campus News
Will you be All in for Oberlin?
March 16, 2017
Communications Staff

Are you looking for the 2018 edition of All in for Oberlin?
Obies – Are you All in for Oberlin?
On April 27, 2017, Oberlin College is looking for 1,000 donors from the Oberlin community to go All in for Oberlin!
That’s right – ONE THOUSAND donors in ONE day. And if we reach this goal, Chris Canavan ’84 has promised to match every gift with an additional $100 dollars. That means your gift of $5 will equal $105. Your gift of $25 will equal $125. Your gift of $100 will equal $200. And so on.
If we exceed our goal of 1,000 donors, Chris promises to unlock an additional match!
Why are we asking you to go #AllinforOberlin? It’s simple – our students! Our students make Oberlin unique, but without your help, many of them simply cannot afford Oberlin. Giving today shows your commitment to paying it forward to today’s students, and it’s a great way to show how much you value your Oberlin experience – as a student, parent, employee, or community member. Whether you give to student scholarships, a student organization, an academic department, an athletic team, or the Allen Memorial Art Museum, you help current Obies take advantage of everything that makes Oberlin uniquely Oberlin!
Share this day on social media with your Oberlin friends and family. Use #AllinforOberlin in your messages and – maybe, just maybe – issue a challenge of your own! We need each and every one of us to be All in for Oberlin on April 27 in order to reach our goal!
Call 800-693-3167 if you have any questions about All in for Oberlin or if you’d like to make a gift over the phone.
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