Campus News
Who is Heath Patten?
May 25, 2021
Yvonne Gay

Heath Patten, curator of visual resources, is an antique-chasing ghost hunter, with an appetite for the quintessential American Thanksgiving meal. Curious? Find out more in this installment of Who Am I?
Name: Heath Patten
Job title: Curator of Visual Resources
Department and location on campus: Oberlin College Archives in the Mary Church Terrell Main Library and Visual Resources in the Ward Art Building
What does your job entail? As the visual resources curator, I develop and maintain the libraries' visual resources collection, which includes physical and digital images and equipment. I assist all campus communities to identify, access, support, and integrate their visual resources needs into course curricula and their scholastic pursuits, often in partnership with other relevant Oberlin College library staff. Also, I serve as the program director for the libraries' traveling exhibitions and their management. I am the libraries' visual literacy lead consultant advising on and creating exhibition displays, materials, and management. I develop educational and promotional materials (physical and digital) for the libraries, often in collaboration with the college’s Office of Communications. I am also one of the editors for Library Perspectives and the libraries' liaison for the Classics Department.
How many years at Oberlin? 18 and ½ years
What are your hobbies? I enjoy antiquing in search of curiosities (e.g., early photography, pre-1940s Halloween decorations, and costumes), creating art, studying folklore and myths, and exploring old buildings and cemeteries through "ghost hunting."
Favorite food? I don't really have a favorite food, but I have a favorite meal: The quintessential American Thanksgiving dinner—from the turkey to the oyster stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberries, etc. I love it all!
Favorite Quote? “Creativity takes courage,” by Henri Matisse.
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