Campus News
Open Enrollment Is Drawing to a Close
October 24, 2013
Awura Ferguson Osei
Thursday, October 31, is the last day for faculty and staff to sign up for 2014 health care and other benefits. Besides offering a few tips here, the Department of Human Resources will offer an Open Enrollment information session for faculty, A&PS, and confidential employees on Tuesday, October 29, at noon in Wilder 101. Stop by with your questions.
Online Open Enrollment
We encourage you to enroll online. Online Open Enrollment allows you to enroll at any time. The process, done via PRESTO, is simple, and, if you are giving to the Oberlin Community Giving Campaign through payroll deductions, you may do so via PRESTO.
Primary and Secondary Coverage
For your medical insurance, update your coverage status by indicating primary or secondary categories, if applicable. If you carry a family plan and your spouse works at Oberlin College, the individual with the higher salary will cover at the family secondary rate!
Primary Coverage Definition
Employee + spouse primary: If your spouse or domestic partner (DP) is on your medical plan and has no other medical insurance coverage
Family primary: If you have a child/children and your spouse/DP is on your plan with no other medical coverage.
For 1 and 2 above, a Spousal Coordination of Benefit Form must be completed and submitted to the Department of Human Resources, Service Building, 2nd Floor.
Secondary Coverage Definition
Family secondary: If you have family coverage and your spouse/DP is employed at Oberlin College, the individual with the higher salary covers the medical insurance.
Family secondary: If your coverage is employee + children.
Family secondary: If your coverage is employee + spouse/DP and child/children, and your spouse/DP has other medical insurance coverage, but also takes coverage on your OC medical plan.
Employee + spouse/DP secondary: If your spouse/DP has other medical insurance coverage, but also takes coverage on your OC medical plan.
For additional information, please visit the Open Enrollment website or call Human Resources at 440-775-8430.
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