News Collection

After Oberlin

What lies ahead for Oberlin graduates? They’ve risen to the challenge of rigorous academics, they’ve pursued their passions and taken advantage of real-world experience, and now they’re ready to forge their own paths.

Follow recent grads as they land in highly coveted positions and career-making internships and graduate programs.

Fighting for Fairness

February 5, 2016

Peter Saudek ’15 works for the Housing Research and Advocacy Center in Cleveland to tackle advocacy work around civil rights and social justice.
Peter Saudek ’15

History in Practice

February 5, 2016

Sarah Cole ’14 is putting her history degree and research skills to good use while working for the Carter Center.
Sarah Cole ’14 posed with former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn

Behind the Scenes

December 1, 2015

Maya Mariner ’15 is exploring the world behind the camera as a production assistant for the satirical publication The Onion.
Maya Mariner ’15 in The Onion offices

Observing the Ocean

December 1, 2015

Eint Kyi ’15 spends her days surrounded by her field of study as she pursues a master’s degree in oceanography at the University of Hawaii.
Eint Kyi ’15 on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii

Dinosaur Bones and Meteorites

September 28, 2015

Henry Towbin ’13 leads an interdepartmental lab at the American Museum of Natural History that looks into a wide array of questions about natural history.
Henry Towbin ’13 posed next to microscope

Raptor Watch

September 28, 2015

Steph Szarmach ’15 looks to the San Francisco Bay Area skies to gain field biology experience.
Steph Szarmach ’15 holding a Northern Harrier

Mapping to Aid Relief in Nepal

September 28, 2015

Elizabeth Gilmour ’13 is aiding earthquake relief efforts in Nepal through collaborative mapping with Kathmandu Living Labs.
Elizabeth Gilmour ’13 at Mt. Everest base camp

Uniting a Love of Music and Religion

August 20, 2015

This fall, Ambre Dromgoole ’15 will be attending Yale Divinity School, as well as interning for Walker International Communications Group.
Ambre Dromgoole ’15 with her parents

Translating More Than Words

August 20, 2015

Annie Valocchi ’15 is spending her summer at Spannocchia, an organic farm and bread and breakfast near Siena, Italy, before she begins teaching English at an Italian high school this fall.
Aerial view of a village

Writing with Purpose

August 20, 2015

Nicholas Olson ’15 is spending his summer working for POZ magazine before beginning a master’s program in public policy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.
Nicholas Olson ’15

Coding and Composing

March 13, 2015

Eli Stine ’14 unites his two passions, music and computer science, as a Jefferson Fellow in the Composition and Computer Technologies Ph.D. program at the University of Virginia.
Eli Stine ’14 posed with computer