Peiris, M.U., Sokolova, A. and Tsomocos, D.P., 2024, Capital Flow Freezes, Economic Theory, forthcoming.
Andreev, M., Peiris, M.U., Shirobokov, A., and Tsomocos, D.P., 2024, Commodity Cycles and Financial Instability in Emerging Economies, Annals of Finance, Volume 28, May, pp 131-156.
Peiris, M.U., Shirobokov, A., and Tsomocos, D.P., 2024, Does “Lean Against the Wind” Monetary Policy Improve Welfare in a Commodity Exporter?, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 41, March, pp 32-56.
McMahon, M., Peiris, M.U. and Polemarchakis, H.M., 2018, Perils of Unconventional Monetary Policy, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 93, August, pp 92-114
Goodhart, C. A. E., Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D. P., 2018, Debt, Recovery Rates and the Greek Dilemma, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 36, June, pp 265- 278, (Sa ̈ıd Business School WP 2016-15)
Peiris, M.U. and Vardoulakis, A.P., 2015, Collateral and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy, Economic Theory, August, Volume 59, Issue 3, pp 579-603
Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D.P., 2015, International Monetary Equilibrium with Default, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 56, pp-47-57
Peiris, M.U. and Vardoulakis, A.P., 2013, Savings and Default, Economic Theory, September, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 153-180.
Goodhart, CAE., Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D.P., 2013, Global Capital Imbalances and Taxing Capital Flows, International Journal of Central Banking, June