M. Udara Peiris

  • Associate Professor of Financial Economics

Areas of Study


  • PhD, financial economics, University of Oxford, 2010

  • MSc, financial economics, University of Oxford, 2006

  • BCom, finance and actuarial studies, University of NSW, 2004


Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia.

His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets. He has published over a dozen articles in major journals in finance, economic policy, and economic theory, and has ongoing projects with co-authors at several Central Banks around the world. He is engaged with the ongoing crisis in Sri Lanka.

Peiris is passionate about helping students to develop the skills that will allow them to make the greatest possible impact on their careers and society at large. His courses pro-actively engage students in applying their knowledge and skills to understand and solve current and pertinent issues in the world today.

  • Capital flows
  • Sovereign debt/default
  • Monetary policy
  • Financial stability
  • Macro-prudential regulation

  • McMahon, M., Peiris, M.U. and Polemarchakis, H.M., 2018, Perils of Unconventional Monetary Policy, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 93, August, pp 92-114

  • Goodhart, C. A. E., Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D. P., 2018, Debt, Recovery Rates and the Greek Dilemma, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 36, June, pp 265- 278, (Sa ̈ıd Business School WP 2016-15)

  • Peiris, M.U. and Vardoulakis, A.P., 2015, Collateral and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy, Economic Theory, August, Volume 59, Issue 3, pp 579-603

  • Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D.P., 2015, International Monetary Equilibrium with Default, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 56, pp-47-57

  • Peiris, M.U. and Vardoulakis, A.P., 2013, Savings and Default, Economic Theory, September, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 153-180.

  • Goodhart, CAE., Peiris, M.U. and Tsomocos, D.P., 2013, Global Capital Imbalances and Taxing Capital Flows, International Journal of Central Banking, June


Fall 2024

Derivatives and Their Role in the Panic of 2008 — ECON 241
Advanced Corporate Finance — ECON 342

Spring 2025

Advanced Asset Pricing and Risk Management — ECON 341
Advanced Topics in Finance — ECON 441