Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

Get Involved

Welcome to the hub of religious and spiritual exploration at Oberlin College! Discover meaningful connections and diverse perspectives at the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. Explore opportunities to get involved, share your journey, and engage in enriching programs. Join us in fostering a community that celebrates the tapestry of beliefs and welcomes your unique presence.

  • Want to get connected to an existing religious or spiritual community? 

    • Fill out this Google form and we’ll connect you to the community you’re interested in.

  • Don’t see your religious or spiritual tradition represented here? Want to see a previously active organization become active again? 

    • Fill out this Google form to inquire about creating a new student organization on campus.

The Interfaith Student Council is a collective of student leaders from different faith-based organizations. It also includes students without specific group affiliations. The council convenes to foster communal learning and to collaboratively plan projects that involve religious and spiritual groups. Additionally, it focuses on coordinating initiatives that span larger campus and community collaborations, along with educational initiatives.

  • Interested in joining the Interfaith Student Council?

    • Apply here (Applications for Fall 2024 open in early August. Stay tuned!)

Barefoot Dialogue is a vulnerability-based model of structured conversations, sustained over time, with peers who openly engage, seek meaning over agreement, and enhance their capacity to thrive through relationship across difference, in identity & experience. Groups meet every other week over the course of the semester over a homemade meal at Lewis House. Curious? Visit our friends in Multifaith Chaplaincy & Sustained Dialogue.