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Abusua, B&D/SM story great April fools

Kudos to Michelle Becker for what has to be the funniest April Fool's article of the year ("Members of Abusua meet with B&D/SM group," Oberlin Review, April 12). She has gone a long way towards helping Oberlin shed the image of the typical high priced, small, obsessive, politically correct liberal arts college. What remarkable creativity to have a group called "Abuse ua" be offended by a sanctioned student organization centered on "Bondage and Discipline/Sadism and Masochism". It's just too funny! The only thing missing was the joint meeting they had to elect a liaison officer whose title has to have been "minority whip"!

You guys have to learn to read your calendar, though (you must have been "completely not thinking" like the B&D/SM member in the article). April Fool's day is supposed to be April 1, not April 12.

Wait a minute... could this have been a real article?... Naaa! Thanks for the laugh.

-Rick Miller (Reston, VA)

Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 21; April 19, 1996

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