The Oberlin Review
<< Front page Commentary February 22, 2008

Recruitment Not Welcome Here

To the Editors:

Congratulations on the first printing in full color! The extra cost may be worth seeing some front-page photographs in color — I’ll leave it up to the general reader response to determine that. But I want the reader to consider the real cost of that move. In the same issue the Review printed a full-page ad for the Army, and that has implicated its staff in the wrongdoings of a government which spends our tax dollars on full-page ads in college papers rather than on education, health care, etc.

There are obvious reasons that the Army is not welcome at Oberlin. For the Review to find it acceptable to take their money, is to not get something about Oberlin. Jerry Greenfield gets it, when he recalls how Oberlin went on strike after Kent State. An Oberlinian my dad’s age, who was up at the Feve with me the day the Review came out, singing Neil Young’s “Ohio,” gets it. The students I was sitting with this week working on an unrelated project, who — despite being born fifteen years after its composition knew the song by heart — get it.... The song asks, talking about our own military who cut down four Ohio students in 1970, “What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?” I am asking the Review’s ads and business managers, how can you print an ad like that when you know what a “career” in the army really means?

I’ve believed before that the Review just might “get it,” too. Want to show your readership that you do? Don’t print another ad for the Army.

–Benjamin Whatley

College senior


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