The Oberlin Review
<< Front page Commentary February 15, 2008

A Guide to Voting in Oberlin

To the Editors:

Ohio’s primary election is on March 4th and Oberlin students have an important opportunity to vote for Presidential candidates, for candidates in several local races, and for two tax levies.  Unlike many states, Ohio has an open primary which means you can vote as a Democrat or Republican without needing to register ahead of time.  When you arrive at the polls or apply for an absentee ballot, you simply request the ballot for the party you choose.

Many students in the past have had difficultly voting because of complicated voter ID laws and incorrect information.  In order to vote in Oberlin you must already be registered to vote anywhere in Ohio, whether you vote a regular, absentee or provisional ballot depends on your individual circumstances.  If you have any questions about your registration call the Lorain County Board of Elections at (440) 326-5900.

If you are registered at your current address (the dorm you live in now) you should vote absentee.  You can only vote a regular ballot at your polling place if you can produce proper identification, like an Ohio driver’s license (with any address) or a utility bill or bank statement (with your current dorm address, not your OCMR). An out of state driver’s license, passport or Oberlin ID do not qualify as legal identification.  By voting absentee you can bypass all of these requirements.  To vote absentee you need to fill out and return an absentee ballot request form, which can be downloaded from the Lorain County Board of Elections,  You should fill out and return this form ASAP so you’ll have time to vote your ballot.  Be sure to include your dorm address and your OCMR when completing this form, if you do not know your dorm’s address ask at ResED or at the Wilder desk.

If you are registered in Ohio but not at your current address, you’ll need to vote by provisional ballot.  To vote provisionally you will need to go to the polling location for your new residence.  To learn where that is visit and select your new dorm, or choose your street from the list.  On Election Day be sure to bring your old dorm address and your new dorm address, this information is obtainable from ResED or the Wilder desk if you do not know.  As long as you are legally registered in Ohio it is your right to receive a ballot, if the poll workers refuse call the Board of Elections at (440) 326-5900 immediately and inform them of the problem.

If you have any further questions please e-mail me at or contact the Board of Elections.

–Andrew Watiker
College sophomore


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