The Oberlin Review
<< Front page News December 14, 2007

Obies Defend Public Housing
Demonstration in Solidarity with NOLA

Oberlin students supporting the New Orleans Solidarity protest gathered in Cleveland’s Public Square on Tuesday, Dec. 11 to rally against public housing demolition.

“It’s important in solidarity actions to give support, so people don’t feel isolated in their struggles,” said College junior Juli Martin, who attended the rally. “Also, [it’s important] to draw connections to housing demolitions in Cleveland.”

College junior Hillary Smith agreed, saying that the goal of the protest was to “connect struggles and show solidarity.”

Many believe the destruction of public housing is not a local problem, but a nationwide one.  Smith said that “the idea of public housing is important. Going to Cleveland and protesting demolition in New Orleans shows it’s a national issue.”

College senior Kara Carmosino feels that “the case in New Orleans is sort of a test case for an issue for the entire nation. Proposed demolition is one specific example that is important for communities all over the nation.”

“Because I’m unable to go to the protest in New Orleans, [the Cleveland protest] is a way to show solidarity and draw attention and support to the issues of public housing in Cleveland,” continued Carmosino.

The protest has an important broader significance, according to Martin. Those attending want to “bring media attention because it is a solidarity action. America is watching us help them in their cause.”


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