The Oberlin Review
<< Front page News March 17, 2006

Off the Cuff: A.C. Hawley

A.C. Hawley is the station manager of WOBC, the Oberlin College radio station rated seventh-best in the U.S. by Princeton Review, (although he says it should be number two because “except for Emerson, they all suck”). The station’s top dog and disciplinarian, he has DJed hiphop, free form and electronic music shows. He is a senior politics and African American Studies major.

What’s the most egregious violation of Federal Communications Commission code that has occurred under your stewardship?
Someone played Mike Jones’ “Dick Don’t Fail Me Now.” It’s only the worst [violation] because we actually got an e-mail about it. Some guy contacted us and said he was offended by it. We haven’t been fined for anything yet, though, thank God.

How many people actually tune in to the most popular shows?
I can tell you that our most-listened-to shows are listened to throughout many states. Our bluegrass show is listened to throughout the Midwest, and our instrumental surf rock show is listened to throughout the world — in Germany, Bulgaria and England, for example. The DJ [Tom Hinders]is really well known in the surf-rock world.

Which on-campus media position brings in more sex, station manager of WOBC or editor-in-chief of The Grape?

Probably editor of The Grape, but why are you asking about two people who don’t get laid? Who’s going to lay the radio station manager or editor-in-chief of The Grape?

Since 2001, Sonic Youth has been the number-one played band on WOBC — where would college radio be without them?
Man, I don’t even know. I don’t even want to ponder that. What would we play if we didn’t have Sonic Youth?

Do you have any ideas who you’d like your successor to be next semester?
I just hope the best person who can do it, can do it. Primarily, they’ll need patience. There’s a lot of red tape.

Any words of wisdom for your successor?
It’s a valuable resource, perhaps the best resource. I want to come back to the centennial [he thinks it’s in 2054].


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