The Oberlin Review
<< Front page Arts February 17, 2006

Good Eats - by Maya Silver

Some people are into books. Some people are into looks. Some people are into guitars. Some people are into bazaars. Different strokes for different folks – except, of course, for food. Everyone is into food. Everyone can relate to food. Everyone understands food. That is because everyone eats food.

We depend on food for survival. It generously and selflessly gives us the ingredients we need for bodily success. But food is much more than that. Like sex, food has taken on a higher and much more complex role than a mere “tool of survival.”

For some, eating is the be all and end all of existence.

Endorphins, it seems, are creatures of immense power. People will go to great lengths to feel the fruits of these little happiness-releasing chemicals. People pay great sums to taste fine cuisine and travel great distances to sample exotic fare. People even like to watch food on the television. In fact, an outstanding 73 percent of the population tunes into the Food Channel and countless other cooking shows every day.*

Let’s face the facts: food is very popular. And it has famously taken up residence in cities all over the world. Lately, food has been rather high profile in some very classy locales: Bologna, Lyon, Singapore, New York City, and more recently, Oberlin.

That’s right, Oberlin was no typo. This little Midwestern town is home to some of the most delectable dishes in the country and even, some might imprudently argue, in the world as we know it. Whether one dines at that edgy little bistro, the Feve, or the cozy little Black River Café, an Oberlin eater is a happy eater.

I think it’s about time someone pays homage to the great eats that make this place what it is. I’ve stepped up to the plate and I’m going to use my weekly 500 word allotment to explore Oberlin cuisine like it’s never been explored before.

Restaurants might be reviewed. Dining halls might be compared. Chefs might be profiled. I’m not making any promises, but there is good food in Oberlin and I will find it and report back to you, the hungry newspaper reader.

So until next week, don’t settle for burnt toast or undercooked pasta. Because I’m an episerious Epicurean who will tell you what to put in your mouth and when to do it, too.

Stay hungry, Oberlin.

*Statistics not based on fact.


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