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World War II Pamphlets Inventory

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Box 1: Australia – Germany
Box 2: Great Britain
Box 3: Great Britain
Box 4: Greece – Yugoslavia
Box 5: United States
Box 6: United States

B # Country Publisher(s) Date Title Author(s) Subject

1 1 Australia Eureka Youth League, Sydney [n.d.] The Story of the Eureka Youth League Richard Young Youth — Societies, etc. — Australia.
1 2 Australia Hilton Press Ltd., Popular Publications Pty., South Melbourne [1941?] "Lend or Lease!"—or Lose? William Hatfield Credit — Australia
Currency Question — Australia
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Australia
1 3 Australia Robertson & Mullens, Melbourne [1945] Adventurous Youth Series, No. 2— Adriatic Adventure: Italian Barbed Wire & Beyond John Buckland World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Australian.
World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations — Italy.
1 4 Australia Stockland Press, Melbourne [1943] Brass Tacks for Laying Post War Plans J.H. Rhodes Economic policy.
1 5 Australia Whitcombe & Tombs Pty. Ltd., Melbourne [1944] For David... Letters to a Prisoner-of-War Isabelle Moresby World War, 1939–1945 — Australia.
1 6 Australia / Philippines / Canada Ceylon & India General Mission, S. John Bacon, Melbourne [1945] Out of the Hand of the Terrible K.M. Paget, foreword by Rev. C.H. Nash World War, 1939–1945 — Prisoners & prisons, Japanese.
World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Canadian.
Concentration camps — Philippines.
1 7 Austria / Great Britain Austrian Centre, Young Austria, London [1942] Restive Austria Jeno Kostmann, foreword by F.C. West World War, 1939–1945 — Austria.
Austria — History, 1938–
1 8 Austria / Great Britain New Europe Publishing Co., Ltd., London 1942 The Case of Austria Free Austria Movement World War, 1939–1945 — Free movements, Austrian.
Austria — History, 1938–
1 9 Belgium / Great Britain Belgian Information Office, Evans Brothers Limited, London [1942] Belgian Africa's Total War Walter Ford, foreword by Rt. Hon. the Viscount Cranborne World War, 1939–1945 — Congo (Democratic Republic)
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Congo (Democratic Republic)
Economic history — Congo (Democratic Republic)
1 10 Belgium / United States Belgian Information Center, New York [1942] Belgian Congo at War [cover only] World War, 1939–1945 — Congo (Democratic Republic)
Congo (Democratic Republic) — Description & travel.
1 11 Belgium / United States Belgian Information Office, London [1943] Twice in a Lifetime: Belgium, 1914–1940 World War, 1914–1918 — Belgium.
World War, 1939–1945 — Belgium.
1 12 Burma / India Kitabistan, Allahabad 1943 What Happened in Burma: The frank revelations of a young Burmese revolutionary leader who has recently escaped from Burma to India M. Thein Pe World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Burma.
1 13 Canada Bureau of Information, Edmonton, Alberta [1943?] Prepare Now!
A Suggested Programme of Post-War Reconstruction Embodying the Features Essential to British Democracy
Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Canada.
1 14 Canada Department of Labour 1944 Report of the Department of Labour on the Administration of Japanese Affairs in Canada, 1942–1944 Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Arthur J. MacNamara World War, 1939–1945 — Evacuations — Canada.
Japanese — Canada.
1 15 Canada Dominion Communist-Labor Total War Committee, Toronto, Ontario [1943] Canada in the Coming Offensive: Report Delivered to the Dominion Conference of the Communist-Labor Total War Committee held in Toronto, Jan. 16–17, 1943 Tim Buck World War, 1939–1945 — Canada.
Working class — Canada.
Labor movement — Canada.
Labor — Canada.
1 16 Canada Progress Books, Toronto [1947] Europe's Rebirth: An Eyewitness Account Tim Buck Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Europe.
Communism — Europe.
1 17 Canada / Great Britain Winnipeg Free Press [1940] "Their Finest Hour": Speeches, Broadcasts & Messages of Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill Since He Became Prime Minister Winston Churchill World War, 1939–1945.
1 18 Czechoslovakia Orbis, Prague 1948 The Brown Beast: The Concentration Camp Europe under the Rule of Hitler Jan Hajsman, preface by Jan Masaryk World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Czech.
World War, 1939–1945 — Prisoners & prisons, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
1 19 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain "The Czechoslovak" Independent Weekly, London 1941 Volcano Under Hitler: The Underground War in Czechoslovakia Jiri Hronek Germans — Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia — History.
1 20 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain Bonner & Co., London 1941 Czechoslovakian Soldiers Tell Their Story: Our Ways Zdenek Vrsovsky, translated by Henri Francis World War, 1939–1945 — Czechoslovakia.
1 21 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Information, London [1942] German Massacres in Occupied Czechoslovakia Following the Attack on Reinhard Heydrich World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities — Czechoslovakia.
1 22 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Information, London [1942] Memorandum of the Czechoslovak Government: On the Reign of Terror in Bohemia & Moravia under the regime of Reinhard Heydrich Heydrich, Reinhard, 1904–1942.
Czechoslovakia — History — 1938–1945.
1 23 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Information, New Europe Publishing Co., Ltd., London 1942 Czechoslovakia in Post-War Europe: Problems of Reconstruction Dr. Eduard Benes, Mgr. Jan Sramek, Jan Masaryk, Dr. Ladislav Feierabend, Jaromir Necas, Dr. Hubert Ripka Reconstruction (1939–1951)
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Czechoslovakia.
1 24 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London 1943 Lidice V. Zizka Lidice, Czechoslovak Republic — History.
World War, 1939–1945 — Czechoslovakia — Lidice.
1 25 Czechoslovakia / Great Britain New Europe Publishing Co. Ltd., London 1943 Night Over Czechoslovakia K. Kunschke, preface by E.V. Erdely World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
World War, 1939–1945 — Czechoslovakia.
1 26 Czechoslovakia / United States Czechoslovak National Council of America, Chicago [1940] Free Czechoslovakia in Free Europe: German Cultural Oppression in Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia — History — 1938–1945.
Germans — Czechoslovakia.
1 27 Denmark / Great Britain Danish Council Information Office, Free Danish Publishing Co., London 1944 Front Line in Denmark T.M. Terkelsen World War, 1939–1945 — Denmark.
1 28 France Collection "Liberation," Editions Mellottee, Paris [1945] Oradour, Ville Martyre Franck Delage World War, 1939–1945 — France — Oradour-sur-Glane.
Oradour-sur-Glane (France) — History.
1 29 France Comite de Liberation D'Indre-et-Loire, Arrault & Cie., Maitres Imprimeurs, Tours 1945 Un Village Martyr Maille: Recit du massacre du 25 Aout 1944 Abbe Andre Payon World War, 1939–1945 — France — Maillé.
Maillé, France — History.
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
1 30 France [n.d.] Cent Millions de Catholiques Martyrs World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
World War, 1939–1945 — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
1 31 France [1941?] Forces Francaises Libres France combattante.
1 32 France / Canada Service de l'Information France Libre, Ottowa [1941?] Honneur Patrie World War, 1939–1945 — Free movements, French.
1 33 France / Great Britain Fighting France Publications, London 1943 Facts About Fighting France Andre Morize, Harvard University World War, 1939–1945 — Free movements, French.
1 34 France / Great Britain Publications de la France Combattante, London [1943?] Les Campagnes du Fezzan Le Capitaine Paul Moynet, preface by Jacques Lorraine World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Africa.
1 35 France / Great Britain Societe des Editions de la France Libre, London [1944] Resistance in France France — History — German occupation, 1940–
1 36 France / Great Britain Volontaire Pour la Cite Chretienne, London [1943] France's Uncensored Press: An English Translation France — History — German occupation, 1940–
Press — France.
1 37 France / United States Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Alsace & Lorainne, New York [1943] Alsace & Lorainne... For Ever French [in English & French] J.W. d'Hellocourt, ed. Alsace (France)
Lorraine (France)
World War, 1939–1945 — Territorial questions — Alsace-Lorraine.
1 38 France / United States France Forever, Fighting French Committee in the United States, New York [1943] Charles de Gaulle & Joan of Arc Henri Bernstein Gaulle, Charles de, 1890–1970.
World War, 1939–1945 — France.
1 39 Germany Adler-Bucherei, Berlin [c1941] Flakartillerie greift an: Tatsachenberichte in Wort und Bild, Herausgegeben im Auftrage de Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht Majori. G. Curt von Lange World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — Artillery.
1 40 Germany Adler-Bucherei, Berlin [1940] Immer am Feind: Deutche Luftmaffe gegen England, Tatsachenberichte in Wort und Bild Maj. Dr. Eichelbaum World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, German.
OS Germany Freude und Arbeit GmbH., Berlin [c1939] Freude und Arbiet, Joy & Work, Joie et Travail, Gioia e Lavoro [in German; portions in English, French, Italian] Recreation.
1 41 Germany H.W. Rodiger, Berlin [1939?] Was Will Frankreich?
"Kriegsgrunde," und was dahinter steht!
Fritz Reipert, foreword by Hans Fritzsche World War, 1939–1945 — France.
World War, 1939–1945 — Causes.
1 42 Germany Herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium fur gesamtdeutsche Fragen 1952 Bonner Berichte Aus Mittel-und Ostdeutschland Jenseits von Oder und Neike Eine Bilanz von sechs Jahren [none]
1 43 Germany Knorr & Hirth, Munchen [1940] Der Kreig, 1939/40, In Karten Albrecht Haushofer, Wolfgang Hopker, Horst Michael, Ulrich Link, Giselher Wirsing World War, 1939–1945 — Maps.
World War, 1939–1945.
1 44 Germany / Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., London [1943] Vansittartitis, A Polemic Dosio Koffler; E. Fitzgerald, trans. Vansittart, Robert Gilbert Vansittart, Baron, 1881–1957
1 45 Germany / Great Britain I.N.G. Publication, London 1945 Free Germans in the French Maquis: The Story of the Committee of "Free Germany" in the West Egon Larsen, trans.; Free German Movement in Great Britain, ed. World War, 1939–1945 — Free & resistance movements, German
1 46 Germany / Great Britain Lindsay Drummond Ltd., London [1943] Germany's Road to Democracy: A Social Democrat, Communist, Liberal, Scientist, Woman, Pastor outline the Future Germany Heinrich Fraenkel, ed.; Victor Schiff, Wilhelm Koenen, August Weber, Arthur Liebert, Irmgard Litten Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany

2 1 Great Britain A Pennant Nine: Hammond, Hammond & Company, Ltd., London [1943] The Third Front: Europe's Underground Press Derek Wordley World War, 1939–1945 — Occupied territories.
Press — Europe.
2 2 Great Britain A Staples Publication, London [1940] Invasion & You: What Might Happen IF... A.A. Thomas, Barrister-at-Law Fascism — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
2 3 Great Britain A.V.H. Productions, Ltd., Woking [1942] Germany Quivers Derek Rowland Lord, edited by Peter Rance World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations
2 4 Great Britain Allen Lane, Penguin Books, London [1940] Organised Labour in the War John Price, foreword by Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin Labor unions — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Great Britain
2 5 Great Britain Amalgamated Press Ltd., London [1942] The Book of the W.A.A.F.: A Practical Guide to the Women's Branch of the R.A.F. Forewords by Sir Charles Portal, K.J. Trefusis Forbes World War, 1939–1945 — Women's work — Great Britain
2 6 Great Britain Argus Press, Ltd., London [1943] Valour Without Frontier: Outstanding stories of heroes of the United Nations based of material supplied by the Allied Governments... Erik Warman, Maurice Moiseiwitsch World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives
2 7 Great Britain Arthur H. Stockwell, Ltd., London [1941] Governments After The War: It Will Happen Again.Unless the World Shapes a New Way of Political Leadership. Jan Byron Political parties.
Political science
2 8 Great Britain Big Ben Books, London [1942] The Road to Total War Lawrence Wolfe World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects.
World War, 1939–1945 — War work.
2 9 Great Britain Britain in a New World, Claud Morris Limited, London [1945] The Fate of Japan Simon Harcourt-Smith Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Japan.
Japan — History.
2 10 Great Britain Broadway Press Ltd., London [1943] A Better Britain: Our Hopes, Our Failures, Our Solution Antony Vickers Currency question — Great Britain
2 11 Great Britain Caxton's Modern Press, London [1944] As the Western Front Re-Opens, Hitler Sabots England: A Realistic Forecast Solving a Score of Home Guard Problems Lt.-Col. E.P. Cawston Great Britain. Home Guard — Fiction.
World War, 1939–1945 — Fiction.
2 12 Great Britain Chosen Books, Wells Gardner, Darton & Co, Ltd., London [1942] Dachau G.R. Kay, ed. Dachau (Concentration camp)
2 13 Great Britain Christophers, London [1942] She Walks in Battledress: The Day's Work in the A.T.S. Anthony Cotterell, Subaltern Elizabeth Courtney Great Britain. Auxiliary Territorial Service.
World War, 1939–1945 — Women's work.
World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
2 14 Great Britain Colonial Office, Central Office of Information, London 1946 Among those Present: The Official Story of the Pacific Islands at War World War, 1939–1945 — Oceania.
2 15 Great Britain Combined Operations Command, Ministry of Information [1943] Combined Operations, 1940–1942 World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Western Front.
2 16 Great Britain Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., London 1942 Britain's Triumphant Destiny: Righteousness No Longer on the Defensive R.G. Studd, James McWhirter, Gladys M. Smith, C.F. Parker, David Davidson, Rev. W.M.H. Milner, W. Graham, Rev. Claud Coffin, Clive Kenrick, R.G. Simpson Anglo-Israelism
2 17 Great Britain Eden Fisher & Co., Ltd., London [n.d.] Fighting Forces Handbook [Arthur H. Holmes] World War, 1939–1945 — Miscellaneous
2 18 Great Britain Edinburgh House Press, London 1942 World Issues, No. 9: The Colonies & The Colonial Future Margery Perham Great Britain — Colonies
2 19 Great Britain Edinburgh House Press, London 1943 World Issues: Can Germany Be Cured? Edwyn Bevan Germans.
Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
2 20 Great Britain English Universities Press, London [1941?] How YOU Can Help to Win the War: 500 Things You Can Do World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects.
2 21 Great Britain English Universities Press, London [1942] Munitions Girl: A Handbook for the Women of the Industrial Army Caroline Haslett Women — Employment — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Women's work.
2 22 Great Britain Frederick Muller Ltd., London [1941] Russia Resists Pat Sloan World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union
2 23 Great Britain Great Western Railway Company, London [1945] Dunkirk & the Great Western: A plain & authentic account of the experiences of some Great Western Steamships during the evacuation of the Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk & Western France Asheley Brown, foreword by Sir James Milne Great Western Steam Ship Company.
Dunkirk, Battle of, 1940.
2 24 Great Britain Hamish Hamilton, London [1941] Black Record: Germans Past & Present Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Vansittart National characteristics, German
2 25 Great Britain Harrison, London [1942] Unarmed Attack & Defence for Commandos, Home Guards & Civilians, Dedicated to Home & Empire Forces Major Leo. McLaglan Jiu-jitsu
2 26 Great Britain Hodder & Stoughton, London [1941] The Truth for the Plain Man All Over the World: Call the Witnesses Arthur Mee World War, 1939–1945
2 27 Great Britain Hodder & Stoughton, London 1942 West Indian Workers in Britain Arnold R. Watson World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — African Americans.
2 28 Great Britain Horace Marshall & Son, Ltd., London [1944] Humanity Keeps an Appointment: The Story of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society & Order of St. John of Jerusalem War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society & Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
World War, 1939–1945 — Sanitary affairs.
2 29 Great Britain Hurricane Books, W.H. Allen & Co., Ltd., London [1943] Day of Reckoning: Shall the War Criminals Evade Justice? Gerald Abrahams, foreword by General de Baer Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany
2 30 Great Britain Hurricane Books, W.H. Allen & Co., Ltd., London [1945] Here Is Your Hun: A Five Thousand Year Saga of Hun Wars, Murder, Rapine, & Savagery Charles Braybrook National characteristics, German.
Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
2 31 Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., London [1943] Beware of a Twice-Beaten Germany Sir Rowland Evans Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany
2 32 Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., London [1943] How We Live: Inside Britain To-Day Arnold Levy World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain
2 33 Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., London [1943] The Last Peace & the Next: an important study of mistakes & misfortunes which led to the breakdown of Peace & of how they may be avoided in the future Sir Geoffrey Knox World War, 1914–1918 — Peace.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
Germany — History — 1918–
2 34 Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., London [1941] "Let it Roll": Britain & America Can Safeguard Freedom Sir Rowland Evans, foreword by Lord Chatfield World politics.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
Great Britain — Foreign relations — United States.
United States — Foreign relations — Great Britain.
2 35 Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London [1941] Who Sent Rudolf Hess? James Murphy Hess, Rudolf, 1894–1987.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
2 36 Great Britain Independent Labour Party, National Labor Press Ltd., London 1942 Socialist Britain Pamphlet No. 2: The Way Out Fenner Brockway Socialism — Great Britain.
2 37 Great Britain Information Ministry, London [1944?] Victory in Africa World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Africa, North.
2 38 Great Britain John Crowther Ltd., London [1942] Manual of the Girls' Training Corps R.C. Dixon Girls' training corps (Great Britain)
World War, 1939–1945 — Women's work.
2 39 Great Britain John Murray, London [1943] American Close-Up: The Portrait of an Ally John Langdon-Davies National characteristics, American.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
United States — Politics & government — 1933–1945.
United States — Social conditions.
2 40 Great Britain John Murray, London [1940] Fifth Column John Langdon-Davies World War, 1939–1945 — Pamphlets.
World War, 1939–1945 — Subversive activities.
2 41 Great Britain Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., London [1942] Japan & the Pacific Theatre of War Jack Chen Japan.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
2 42 Great Britain London 1946 German Crimes Forgotten?Reflections on the Nuremberg Trial Stephen Gorski World War, 1939–1945 — Trials — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities — Poland.
2 43 Great Britain Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., London [1942] Up From the Gates: A Story of Divine Dealing through Dunkirk Capt. H.E. Beresford Mash, foreword by Capt. B. Godfrey Buxton Dunkirk, Battle of, 1940.
World War, 1939–1945 — Religious aspects.
2 44 Great Britain Marten & Son, Ltd., Sudbury, Suffolk [1946] The Lion Roared His Defiance.The call came & was answered to the full.The Home Guard watched & waited, 1940–1944 Home guards — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
2 45 Great Britain MaxLove Publishing Company Limited, London [1943] Polish Wings Over Britain: For Your Freedom & Ours L.G. Marsh Poland. Polskie Sily Powietrzne.
World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations.
2 46 Great Britain Ministry of Information, Air Ministry, London [1942] Bomber Command Continues: The Air Ministry Account of the Rising Offensive Against Germany, June 1941–June 1942 Labor unions — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Great Britain.
2 47 Great Britain Ministry of Information, Air Ministry, London [1944] There's Freedom in the Air: The Official Story of the Allied Air Forces from the Occupied Countries World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations.
2 48 Great Britain Ministry of Information, London 1944 The First to be Freed: The Record of British Military Administration in Eritrea & Somalia, 1941–1943 K.C. Gandar Dower Eritrea (Territory under British occupation, 1941–)
Somali-land, Italian (Territory under British Occupation, 1941–)
World War, 1939–1945 — Africa, Italian East.
2 49 Great Britain Ministry of Information, London [1943] Sixty million of us: the colonies at war World War, 1939–1945.
British colonies.
2 50 Great Britain Ministry of Information, London [1945] What Britain Has Done, 1939–1945 World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain
2 51 Great Britain Ministry of Labour & National Science, Ministry of Information, London [1944] Manpower: The Story of Britain's Mobilisation for War World War, 1939–1945 — Manpower — Great Britain.
Labor supply — Great Britain.
2 52 Great Britain Modern Books Limited, London [1931?] Japanese Imperialism Stripped: The Secret Memorandum of Tanaka, Premier of Japan Manchuria (China) — History — 20th century.
Japanese in China — China — Manchuria.
2 53 Great Britain News Chronicle Publications Department, London [1944?] How to Deal with Germany: A Plan for European Peace Sir Walter Layton Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
International organization.
2 54 Great Britain News Chronicle Publications Department, London [1937?] Japan Can Be Stopped! Freda Utley, David Wills Japanese — China.
Japan — Economic conditions — 1918–1945.
Great Britain — Foreign relations — 20th century.
2 55 Great Britain Newspaper Society, London [1946] They Never Failed: The Story of the Provincial Press in Wartime Leonard Fletcher World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
Press — Great Britain.
2 56 Great Britain Odhams Press Limited, London [1945] Rebuilding Family Life in the Post-War World: An Enquiry with Recommendations Sir James Marchant, ed.; Lord Horder, R.M. Titmuss, W.B. Reddaway, Sir John Boyd Orr, Prof. F.A.E. Crew, Sir Arthur MacNalty, Dr. Margaret Jackson, Dr. Eliot Slater, Dr. Grace Leybourne-White, Rt. Rev. Dr. E.J. Hagan Family.
Great Britain — Social conditions.
2 57 Great Britain Pallas Publishing Company Limited, London [1939] Topics of the Moment: The Maginot & Siegfried Lines, Walls of Death James Eastwood Maginot Line (France)
Siegfried Line (Germany)
World War, 1939–1945.
2 58 Great Britain Rankin Bros. Limited, Bristol [1945] Post-War Problems & The Just Society: A Text Book for the People by Impartialist Impartialist, pseud. World War, 1939–1945 — Post-war problems.
Social problems.
2 59 Great Britain Reynolds News, London [1944] If you are Blitzed Henry R. Aldridge World War, 1939–1945 — Claims
2 60 Great Britain Royal Institute of British Architects, Architectural Press, London 1943 Towards a New Britain Foreword by W.H. Ausell City planning.
Cities & towns — Great Britain.
2 61 Great Britain Royal Institute of International Affairs, London [1944] Occupied Europe: German Exploitation & Its Post-war Consequences World War, 1939–1945 — Occupied territories.
World War, 1939–1945 — Confiscations & contributions — Germany.
Germany — Economic policy.
Reconstruction (1939–1951)
2 62 Great Britain Simpkin Marshall, Ltd., London 1940 God Challenges the Dictators: Doom of Nazis Predicted Rees Howells World War, 1939–1945 — Prophecies
2 63 Great Britain Southern Publishing Co., Brighton [1946] Brighton & Hove Under Fire Leslie G. Cluett World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain — Brighton.
World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain — Hove.
2 64 Great Britain Standard Art Book Co., Ltd., London [1945?] From This Pool a Sword Littlewoods Pools, Ltd.
World War, 1939–1945 — Business histories — Great Britain.
2 65 Great Britain Sylvan Press, London [1944] "All Buttoned Up!": A Scrapbook of R.A.F. Cartoons David Langdon, introduction by Hector Bolitho Great Britain. Royal Air Force.
World War, 1939–1945 — Humor.
2 66 Great Britain Thorsons Publishers Ltd., London [1942] Winning the Peace W.W. Ward World War, 1939–1945 — Peace
2 67 Great Britain Transatlantic Authors Ltd., London 1945 The Nuremberg Trial: Germany before her Judges E. Rubin [signed by the author] World War, 1939–1945 — Trials — Germany — Nuremberg.Political cartoons.
World politics — Caricatures & cartoons.
2 68 Great Britain Victor Gollancz Ltd., London 1943 Women in War Factories Amabel Williams-Ellis, foreword by Isobel Cripps Women — Employment in munition industry — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — Great Britain.
2 69 Great Britain W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London [1941] General De Gaulle: The Hope of France "Gallicus," pseud. Gaulle, Charles de, 1890–1970.
World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — France.
Tanks (Military science)
2 70 Great Britain War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society & the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Horace Marshall & Sons, Ltd., London [1942] Prisoner of War: The first authentic account of the lives of British prisoners of war in enemy lands. World War, 1939–1945 — Prisoners & prisons, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — Prisoners & prisons, Italian.
2 71 Great Britain [1943] African Victory with the British Forces: From El Alamein to Cape Bon World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Africa, North.
World War, 1939–1945 — Pictorial works.
2 72 Great Britain [1943] Today... Italy the Target: An Intermittent Record of the Days in Which We Live Gerald Carr World War, 1939–1945 — Italy

3 1 Great Britain / Czechoslovakia Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London [1943] Czechoslovak Industrial Effort in Great Britain J.E. Mellon World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Great Britain.
Czechs — in Great Britain.
Slovaks — in Great Britain.
Great Britain — Industry.
3 2 Great Britain / Czechoslovakia Trinity Press, London [1944] Death Stalks the Forest, Dedicated to the heroic Carpatho-Ruthenians... Jan Cech, introduction by J. Suhaj World War, 1939–1945 — Ruthenia
3 3 Great Britain / France Ministry of Information, Air Ministry, London [1941?] La Bataille de Grande-Bretagne: Recit de Grande Journees du 8 Aout au 31 Octobre 1940 Great Britain. Royal Air Force.
World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations.
3 4 Great Britain / Germany Collins, London [1940] The Voice of the Nazi, Being Eight Broadcast Talks, given between December 1939 & May 1940 W.A. Sinclair World War, 1939–1945 — Propaganda.
Propaganda, German.
Radio in propaganda — Germany.
3 5 Great Britain / Germany I.N.G. Publication, London 1943 Germany Today... & Germany Tomorrow Paul Merker, foreword by D.N. Pritt World War, 1939–1945 — Germany
3 6 Great Britain / Poland Maxwell, Love & Co., Ltd., London 1944 Secret Underground Weapon? World War, 1939–1945 — Humor.
World War, 1939–1945 — Poland.
3 7 Great Britain / U.S.S.R. Alliance Press Limited, London [1943] Meet Our Russian Allies Introduced by Philip Paneth World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
Soviet Union — Politics & government — 1936–1953.
3 8 Great Britain / U.S.S.R. Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., London [1941] Russia Fights! Michael MacAlpin World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union
3 9 Great Britain / U.S.S.R. Major A.S. Hooper, London [1944] Russia's Secret Weapon Dyson Carter, foreword by Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury Soviet Union.
World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
3 10 Great Britain / U.S.S.R. National Council for British-Soviet Unity, Harrison & Sons, Ltd., London [1943?] Through the Soviet Union in War Time: The Impressions of a British Trade Union Leader During a Three Months' War-Time Tour of the U.S.S.R. J.H. Potts, Former President of the National Union of Railwaymen World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union
3 11 Great Britain / U.S.S.R. Women's Anglo-Soviet Committee, H. Clarke & Co., London [1942] Soviet Women Call to You! World War, 1939–1945 — Women — Russia
3 12 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York [1944] Britain versus Japan World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan
3 13 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York 1945 Britain's Future in the Making: New Measures in a Living Tradition of Social Progress Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Great Britain.
Great Britain — Economic policy.
3 14 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York 1945 First Blows: Britain's Fight Against Japan World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — East Asia.
World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
3 15 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York [1949] Refuge in Britain World War, 1939–1945 — Refugees — Europe
3 16 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York 1945 Victory in Burma World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Burma
3 17 Great Britain / United States British Information Services, New York [1943] War Job Manufactures — Great Britain.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Great Britain.
3 18 Great Britain / United States Central Office of Information, London 1947 Friends in Need: The story of The British War Relief Society of the United States of America, 1939–1945. Foreword by Rt. Hon. the Earl of Halifax World War, 1939–1945 — Hospitals, charities, etc. — Great Britain
3 19 Great Britain / United States Hutchinson & Co., London [1940?] Will America Fight? John Walters World War, 1939–1945 — United States
3 20 Great Britain / United States National Union of Teachers, American Federation of Teachers [1942] The evacuation of children during air raids in Great Britain Foreword by Irvin R. Kuenzli World War, 1939–1945 — Evacuations — Great Britain
3 21 Great Britain / United States Strickland Press, Glasgow 1945 The Truth About Pearl Harbor John T. Flynn World War, 1939–1945 — Hawaiian Islands — Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.

4 1 Greece / Great Britain Greek Office of Information, Grout Publishing Co., London 1944 Greece in Arms World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Greece.
World War, 1939–1945 — Pictorial works.
4 2 Greece / Great Britain New Europe Publishing Company, Ltd., London 1943 The Fight in Greece P. Rodinus World War, 1939–1945 — Greece
4 3 Greece / United States Greek Government Office of Information, New York [1944] The Bulgars: Self Styled Prussians of the Balkans Peter Thrax World War, 1939–1945 — Bulgaria.
Bulgaria — Foreign relations — Greece.
Greece — Foreign relations — Bulgaria.
4 4 India All India Congress Committee, Allahabad [1940] Congress & War Crisis World War, 1939–1945 — Indonesia.
Indonesia — Govt., to 1949.
4 5 India Hind Kitabs, Bombay [1945] Over There Suresh Vaidya Indian National Congress.
World War, 1939–1945 — India.
4 6 India S. Chand & Co., Delhi [1946] India's War Economy Vyas Dev Misra, foreword by Dr. B.N. Ganguli World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
India — Politics & government — 1919–1947.
4 7 India [c1942] India's Part in the Third Year of War World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — India.
India — Economic conditions — 1918–1947.
4 8 India / Great Britain / United States Government of India Information Services, British Information Services, Washington, D.C. [1944?] India at War World War, 1939–1945 — India.
India — Defenses.
4 9 India / Great Britain / United States Government of India, British Information Services, New York [1943] India's 3rd Year of War: What India is Doing for the United Nations World War, 1939–1945 — India
4 10 India/United States Government of India Information Services, Washington, D.C. [1945] India Shares Victory in the West World War, 1939–1945 — India
4 11 India/United States NewsIndia, New York 1941 India & the War S. Chandrasekhar World War, 1939–1945 — India
4 12 Ireland M.H. Gill & Son, Ltd., Dublin 1946 Ireland's Stand, Being a Selection of the Speeches of Eamon de Valera During the War (1939–1945) Eamon de Valera World War, 1939–1945 — Ireland
4 13 Ireland / Great Britain Richards Press, Ltd., London [1940] Ireland & the War against Hitler Lord Alfred Douglas Sinn Fein.
Irish question.
World War, 1939–1945 — Ireland.
4 14 Italy Societa Editrice di "Novissima," Rome [1935] The Last Stronghold of Slavery: What Abyssinia Is G.C. Baravelli Slavery — Ethiopia.
Italy — Foreign relations — Ethiopia.
Ethiopia — Foreign relations — Italy.
Africa — Politics & government.
4 15 Italy Stabilimento Cromo, Rome 1918 Discorso-Programma: Tenuto al Teatro Comunale Argentina in Roma, il 3 Marzo del 1918 Elma Vercelloni Women — Employment, Italy, 1918.
World War, 1914–1918 — Economic aspects, Italy.
Women — Conscription, Italy, 1918.
4 16 Japan Kenkyusha Press, Tokyo 1940 Japan Surveys the European War Tokyo Press Club Japan — Foreign relations — 1912–1945.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
4 17 Mexico Departmento de Prensa y Propaganda del P.R.M. 1942 Mexico en Guerra!
Los Sectores Nacionales marchan en ayuda de las Democracias, a Consolidar las Libertades Humanas.
Partido de la Revolución Mexicana World War, 1939–1945 — Mexico
4 18 Netherlands / Indonesia De Hofstad, The Hague [1946?] The Truth About the Indonesian Republic Dr. William F. de Bruyn World War, 1939–1945 — Indonesia.
Indonesia — Govt., to 1949.
4 19 Netherlands / United States Netherlands Information Bureau, New York [1944?] A Nation at War World War, 1939–1945 — Netherlands
4 20 New Zealand New Zealand Co-Operative Publishing Society Limited, Wellington [1942?] Workers & the War Effort W.B. Sutch Working class — New Zealand.
Labor movement — New Zealand.
Labor — New Zealand.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — New Zealand.
4 21 Nigeria / Great Britain [Lagos] [1945] A Colony's Effort, Compiled by the Nigerian Government World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — Nigeria.
Industries — Nigeria.
4 22 Norway / Canada / United States / Great Britain Royal Norwegian Government's Information Office in Montreal, London, Washington [1944] Hitler Attacks Norway Herman K. Lehmkuhl, introduction by Minster of Defense Ocsar Torp World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Norway.
World War, 1939–1945 — Norway.
4 23 Norway / Great Britain Authority of the Norwegian Government, Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., London [1940] The Invasion of Norway Herman K. Lehmkuhl World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Norway.
World War, 1939–1945 — Norway.
4 24 Norway / United States Royal Norwegian Information Service, Washington, D.C. [1942] Norway at War! World War, 1939–1945 — Norway
4 25 Poland / Great Britain Burns Oates, London 1941 The Persecution of the Catholic Church in German-Occupied Poland: Reports presented by H.E. Cardinal Hlond, Primate of Poland, to Pope Pius XII, Vatican broadcasts & other reliable evidence Preface by H.E. A. Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of Westminster Catholic Church — Poland.                                                    World War, 1939–1945 — Poland.
4 26 Poland / Great Britain Library of Fighting Poland, London [1944] The Polish Underground Army Mark Valet; Wanda Lotysz, trans.; foreword by Waclaw Sledzinski World War, 1939–1945 — Poland
4 27 Poland / Great Britain Movement of the Working Masses of Poland, Liberty Publications, London [1944] The Camp of Death Foreword by Jennie L. Adamson, M.P. Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
World War, 1939–1945 — Poland.
4 28 Poland / Great Britain Polish Ministry of Information, London 1942 Bestiality... unknown in any previous record of history... Brendan Bracken World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities — Poland
4 29 Poland / Great Britain Polish Publications Committee, Maxwell, Love & Co. Ltd., London 1944 Warsaw Fights Alone Z. Nagorski, Jr. World War, 1939–1945 — Poland — Warsaw
4 30 Poland / Great Britain Polish Students Association in Great Britain, London 1943 Polish Youth: Yesterday, To-day & Tomorrow M.L. Ponikowska, Maria Jurkowa Youth — Poland.
Education — Poland.
Poland — History — Occupation, 1939–1945.
4 31 Poland / Great Britain William Brown & Co., Ltd., London [1945] Poland: The Untold Story Anna Zajaczkowska World War, 1939–1945 — Poland
4 32 Poland / Great Britain World League of Poles Abroad, Liberty Publications, London 1941 A Worker's Day Under German Occupation Foreword by Jim Griffiths M.P. Poland — History — German occupation, 1939–
Poland — Economic conditions.
Poland — Social conditions.
Working class — Poland.
Labor movement — Poland.
Labor — Poland.
4 33 Poland / United States "Poland Fights" Polish Labor Group, New York 1943 Unconquered Poland World War, 1939–1945 — Poland
4 34 Poland / United States "Poland Fights" Polish Labor Group, New York [1944] Underground Poland Speaks: Oswiecim, Camp of Death [incomplete] Forward by Florence J. Harriman Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
4 35 Poland / United States [1940?] 17,000 Bodies Make a Heap Negley Farson World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities — Poland
4 36 Serbia / United States Serbian National Defense Council, Arlington, Virginia [1943] Ruth Mitchell, Chetnik, Tells the Facts about the Fighting Serbs Mihailovich & "Yugoslavia" Ruth Mitchell World War, 1939–1945 — Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia — Politics & government.
4 37 South Africa A. & N. Berry, Johannesburg [1945?] Very Hygiene, George: A Collection of Drawings of Egypt & Italy Abe Berry, preface by Vic Clapham World War, 1939–1945 — Humor
4 38 South Africa Central New Agency, Ltd. 1944 Japan's Bid for Africa: Including the Story of the Madagascar Campaign Eric Rosenthal World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
World War, 1939–1945 — Madagascar.
Japanese in Africa.
4 39 South Africa Maskew Miller Limited, Cape Town [1945] What Shall we do with Germany? O. von Strahl Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany
4 40 South Africa South African Bureau of Information, Pretoria 1943 The Union at War: African Arsenal Rt. Hon. J.C. Smuts World War, 1939–1945 — South Africa
4 41 South Africa Union Unity Truth Service, Johannesburg [1939] General Smuts' Speech at Bloemfontien, November 3, 1939: Why the Union is at War with Nazi Germany Rt. Hon. J.C. Smuts Transportation — South Africa.
World War, 1939–1945 — Transportation — South Africa.
OS South Africa South African Railways & Harbours Administration, Johannesburg [1941] South African Railways & Harbours in Wartime World War, 1939–1945 — South Africa
4 42 South Africa / United States South African Government Information Office, Washington, D.C. 1944 South Africa on Service: A Pictorial Record of the Union of South Africa's Work on the Home Front, 1939–1943 Foreword by Rt. Hon. J.C. Smuts, message from Dr. H.J. van der Bijl Ordnance — Manufactures.
ndustries — South Africa.
World War, 1939–1945 — South Africa.
4 43 Syria / Great Britain Eyre & Spottiswoode Limited, London [1941?] The Muslim Attitude to the War M. Najati Sidki, translated by A.J.A. World War, 1939–1945 — Religious aspects.
Fascism & Muhammadanism.
4 44 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1942 Baby Killers Elena Kononenko World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities — Russia
4 45 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1943 Battle on the Volga: Impressions of a War Correspondent Evgeni Krieger, translated by D.L. Fromberg Stalingrad, U.S.S.R. — Siege, 1942
4 46 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1943 Fascism: Man's Most Ferocious Enemy G. Alexandrov World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
Fascism — Germany.
4 47 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1944 Les Enfants D'un Peuple Heroique; recits et nouvelles W. Wasilewska World War, 1939–1945 — Children.
Children — Russia.
4 48 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1942 The Heroic Defence of Sevastopol F. Oktyabrsky, Ilya Ehrenbourg, Lt.-Capt. Aposhansky, B. Efremov, G. Gaidovsky, V. Novikov, A. Slanikov, M. Kogut, I. Zolin, Evgeni Petrov, P. Storchienko, L. Ish, L. Ozerov, A. Ivich, S. Galyshev, E. Vilensky, L. Solovyev, B. Voitekhov, S. Klebanov, M. Turovsky, Alexei Tolstoy Sevastopol, U.S.S.R. — Siege, 1942.
4 49 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1943 The Peoples of Europe Versus Hitler B. Ponomarev World War, 1939–1945 — Occupied territories.
4 50 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1942 Second Anti-Fascist Women's Meeting, Moscow, May 10, 1942 Valentina Grizodubova, Valentina Matveyeva, Vera Prokhorova, Alexandra Fedorinchik, Vera Mukhina, Anna Yunina, Prof. Lena Stern, Maria Kozmenkova, Dunya Agalarova, Vera Inber, Klavdia Nikolayeva, Alexandra Podberezina, Alexandria Gerashchenko, Gorsunkai Karimova, Lyubov Kosmodemyanskaya World War, 1939–1945 — Women's work — Russia.
Women — Congresses — Russia — Moscow, 1942.
4 51 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1941 The Slavonic Nations in the Fight Against Fascism: Report of the Slavonic Meeting Held in Moscow on August 10 & 11, 1941 Alexey Tolstoy, Gen. Marian Januszajtis, Prof. Zdenek Nejedly, Radule Stijenski, Dimitry Vlachov, Prof. Ondra Lysohorsky, Prof. Bojidar Maslaric, Juro Salai, Ivan Regent, Dr. A. Stojanov, Alexander Korneichuk, Wanda Wasilewska, Yanka Kupala, Marek Culen, Ivan Lokota, Johannes R. Becher, Friedrich Wolf World War, 1939–1945.
4 52 U.S.S.R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1942 Soviet Women in the War Against Hitlerism L. Ozerov, A. Hamadan, A. Izbach, K. Filatova, P. Lidov, A. Protopopova, O. Kurganov, O. Ziv, S. Margolis, M. Shkapskaya, I. Menshikov, D. Levin World War, 1939–1945 — Women — Russia.
World War, 1939–1945 — Women — Soviet Union — Fiction.
Short stories, Russian — Translations into English.
4 53 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London [1943] The Defence of Leningrad: Eye-witness Accounts of the Siege Nikolai Tikhonov & Vissarion Sayanov, Sergei Ivanov, Nina Mironova, L. Nikolsky, Olga Vergoltz, D. Slaventator, Vsevolod Vishnievsky, N. Shikin, Ilya Ehrenburg, Major-General K. Kulik World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Russian.
World War, 1939–1945 — Pictorial works.
4 54 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Hutchinson & Co., Press Department of the Soviet Embassy, London 1943 After the Battle: Stalingrad Sketches & Notes of a Guerilla Fighter Boris Agapov, Ilya Kuzin World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Russian.
World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
4 55 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., London [1942] Organisation for Victory: Extracts from "Pravda" Walter M. Holmes, ed. Saint Petersburg (Russia) — Siege, 1941–1944.
4 56 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain R.J. Skinner, Ltd., London [1943?] Heroes of the Soviet Union Maurice Moiseiwitsch World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, Russian.
Stalingrad, Battle of, Volgograd, Russia, 1942–1943.
4 57 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Russia Today Information Service, London [1943] Under Stalin's Command: A Review of Soviet Strategy & Tactics Lt.-Col. Hans Kahle, foreword by Gen. Sir Hubert Gough World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
4 58 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Soviet News, London 1945 What We Saw in Germany: With the Red Army to Berlin B. Polevoy, Evgeny Krieger, Lt.-Col. K. Bukovsky, Major M. Syrtsov, Y. Makarenko, Nikolai Alexandrov, Lt.-Col. P. Troyanovsky, B. Gorbatov, O. Kurganov, K. Karmen, Ilya Ehrenburg, M. Merzhanov, Lt.-Col. L. Vysokoostrovsky World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
Russia — Army — Medals, badges, decorations, etc.
4 59 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Soviet War News, London 1945 Making Hitler Look Silly: Cartoons & Posters by the Soviet Artists Kukryniksi Mikhail Kuprianov, Porfiri Krylov, Nikolai Sokolov World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
4 60 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Soviet War News, London 1945 We Come as Judges Ilya Ehrenburg Hitler, Adolf, 1889–1945 — Portraits.
Caricatures & cartoons — Russia.
Posters, Russian.
World War, 1939–1945 — Humor.
4 61 U.S.S.R. / Great Britain Soviet War News, Press Dept. of the Soviet Embassy in London, Hutchinson & Co. [1941] With a Soviet Unit Through the Nazi Lines A. Polyakov, preface by I.M. Maisky World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
4 62 U.S.S.R. / United States Russian War Relief, New York [n.d.] "The Russian Glory!" Foreword by Edward C. Carter; Igor Solovyav, Dmitri Shostakovich, Pavel Nikitin, Constantin Simomov, Valentin Kataev, Alexander N. Frumkin, Anna Plyukhina, Zoya Fedorova, Boris Yampolsky, Military Surgeon Bagdasaryan World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
4 63 United Nations United Nations Information Office, New York [1944] Today's Children Tomorrow's Hope: The Story of Children in the Occupied Lands World War, 1939–1945 — Children.
World War, 1939–1945 — Occupied territories.
4 64 Yugoslavia / Great Britain "Free Yugoslavia" Association of Yugoslavs in Great Britain, London [1943] The Yugoslav National Liberation Movement World War, 1939–1945 — Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia — History.
4 65 Yugoslavia / Great Britain South Yugoslav Committee, London [1944] Yugoslav Youth Fights Back Capt. Slavko Komar World War, 1939–1945 — Yugoslavia.
Youth — Yugoslavia.

5 1 United States Air Surgeon, Headquarters Army Air Forces [1943] You... are Convalescing in an Army Air Forces Hospital United States. Army. Medical services.
5 2 United States American Book Company, New York [1940] The Present War: Its Background & Related Developments Charles T. McFarlane World War, 1939–1945.
5 3 United States American Book Company, New York [1942] War With the Axis: Defending Our Freedom Charles T. McFarlane World War, 1939–1945.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — America.
5 4 United States American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression, New York [1938] America's Share in Japan's War Guilt: Take American War Profits out of Japan's Aggression in China United States — Commerce — Japan.
Japan — Commerce — United States.
United States — Foreign relations — Japan.
Japan — Foreign relations — United States.
5 5 United States American Council on Public Affairs, [Washington, D.C.] [1944] The Displaced Japanese-Americans World War, 1939–1945 — Evacuation — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 6 United States American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, Inc., New York 1942 The Far East— A Syllabus George L. Harris East Asia — History — Outlines, syllabi, etc.
5 7 United States Burton, King & Company, Inc., New York 1935 Scapegoat W.L. Nederhoed United States — Foreign relations — Japan.
Japan — Foreign relations — United States. 
5 8 United States City Central Committee, International Workers Order, New York [1944] Smash the Secret Weapon: How to Fight the Fifth Column Martha Millet, ed.; foreword by Max Yergan United States — Race relations.
5 9 United States Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, New York 1942 Toward Greater Freedom: Problems of War & Peace International cooperation.
Reconstruction (1939–1951)
5 10 United States Committee on Educational Materials for Children of the American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, PA 1943 American Refugees: Outline of a Unit of Study About Japanese Americans Ruth Hunt Gefvert World War, 1939–1945 — Evacuations — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 11 United States Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, New York 1940 Battle of America: How We Can Avoid It Livingston Hartley, William Allen White World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Defense — United States.
5 12 United States Constitutional Educational Leagure, Inc., New Haven, CT 1942 Native Nazi purge plot: The Conspiracy Against Congress Joseph P. Kamp United States. Congress.
Communism — United States.
5 13 United States David McKay Company, Philadelphia, PA [1943] Guadalcanal Diary Richard Tregaskis World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, American.
World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Pacific.
United States. Marine Corps.
World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Solomon Islands — Guadalcanal Island.
5 14 United States David McKay Company, Philadelphia, PA [1942] Our Enemy James R. Young Japan — Foreign relations.
World War, 1939–1945.
5 15 United States David McKay Company, Philadelphia, PA [1944?] Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo Capt. Ted W. Lawson World War, 1939–1945 — Personal narratives, American.
World War, 1939–1945 — Aerial operations.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan — Tokyo.
Tokyo (Japan) — History — Bombardment, 1942.
5 16 United States Dearborn Publishing Co., Chicago 1942 The Fate of the White Man Theodore G. Mitchell World War, 1939–1945 — Territorial questions.
Race relations.
5 17 United States Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority, Washington, D.C. 1945 Nisei in the War against Japan World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 18 United States Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority, Washington, D.C. [1944] Nisei in Uniform World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 19 United States Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority, Washington, D.C. [1946] "What We're Fighting For": Statements by United States Servicemen about Americans of Japanese Descent World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 20 United States Dr. Arthur C. Hewitson [1942] Nazi or German? Dr. Arthur C. Hewitson World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 21 United States E.N. Sanctuary [1941] War Guilt & Warmongers: A Compilation of from The Evidence Showing How This War Psychosis Was Built Up to Start This Present War E.N. Sanctuary World War, 1939–1945 — Neutrality of the United States.
5 22 United States Education Section, War Savings Staff, United States Treasury Dept.; Service Division, Work Projects Administration, Federal Works Agency, Washington, D.C. [1942] Our War... our Victory United States. Work Projects Administration.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 23 United States Educational Policies Commission, National Education Association of the United States, American Assocation of School Administrators, Washington, D.C. [1943] What the Schools Should Teach in Wartime World War, 1939–1945 — Educational aspects — United States.
5 24 United States F.F.F. Publishers, Inc., New York [1947] The Challenge of Hate: A Photo-Record of Democracy's Struggle Against Disruption & Disunity A.R. Lerner, Herbert Poster, Prof. James H. Sheldon, Stephen Vincent Benet; introduction by Norman Corwin; Eric Godal, illus. United States — Race relations.
United States — Social conditions.
African Americans.
5 25 United States Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. [1941] 1917 & 1941 Frederick B. Artz, Oberlin alumnus & former professor World War, 1914–1918 — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 26 United States Fellowship of Reconcilliation, New York [1943] Outcasts!
The Story of America's Treatment of Her Japanese-American Minority
Caleb Foote, foreword by Galen M. Fisher World War, 1939–1945 — Evacuations — United States.
Japanese — United States.
5 27 United States Fellowship Publications, New York 1944 Forerunners Studybook No. 4: The Next Peace R. Alfred Hassler World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 28 United States General Motors Corp., [Detroit] [1944?] Producing More for Victory World War, 1939–1945 — Equipment & supplies — United States.
Military supplies — Trade & stat — United States.
Weapons industry — Trade & stat — United States.
Defense industries — Trade & stat — United States.
Arms transfers — Trade & stat — United States.
Military weapons — Trade & stat — United States.
5 29 United States Gerent Press, New York [1945] Take Your Place at the Peace Table: What You Can Do to Win a Lasting United Nations Peace Edward L. Bernays World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 30 United States Hawaii Group, American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, Honolulu 1943 The Japanese in Hawaii Under War Conditions Andrew W. Lind Japanese — Hawaii.
World War, 1939–1945 — Hawaii.
5 31 United States Headline Books, Foreign Policy Association, New York [1940] Challenge to the Americas John I.B. McCulloch; Bunji Tagawa, illus. Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics for Consultation under the Inter-American Agreements of Buenos Aires & Lima (2nd : 1940 : Havana)
5 32 United States Headline Books, Foreign Policy Association, New York [1938] War in China: America's Role in The Far East Varian Fry, maps & charts by Henry Adams Grant Eastern question (Far East)
China — History — 1937–
United States — Foreign relations — China.
China — Foreign relations — United States.
United States — Foreign relations — Japan.
Japan — Foreign relations — United States.
5 33 United States Home Craftsman Publishing Corp., New York [1941] How to Fit Yourself for Defense Jobs: Tips from Employers Harry J. Hobbs, ed.; Stephen A. Hoffer, William B. O'Conner, Guy G. Woods Occupations.
Technical education — United States.
5 34 United States Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston [1943] After the War—What? Preston Slosson, Professor of Modern History, University of Michigan Reconstruction (1939–1951)
5 35 United States Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston [1942] Why We Are at War Preston Slosson, Professor of Modern History, University of Michigan World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Causes.
World politics.
OS United States Hurstap Associates, New York [1942] Fighting the 5th & Sixth Column Menace Ed Hurley World War, 1939–1945 — Propaganda.
Propaganda, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 36 United States Industrial Tape Corporation, New Brunswick, NJ [1943] The Scrapbook of Army-Navy Humor by Men in the Service World War, 1939–1945 — Humor.
5 37 United States International Publishers, New York [1940] The Second Imperialist War Earl Browder, General Secretary, Communist Party of the United States World War, 1939–1945.
Communism — United States.
5 38 United States Joe Weil Associates, New York 1944 The Bloody Record of Nazi Atrocities: The Crimes; The Punishment Burnet Hershey, Johannes Steel; Joe Weil, ed. World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
5 39 United States John Day Company for Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, New York [1941] In Order to Survive.
Condensed & adapted from Fivefold Aid to Britain.
Fritz Sternberg, charts by Harry Roth World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 40 United States Kosmon Press, Los Angeles 1944 Wars End Wing Anderson World War, 1939–1945 — Prophecies.
5 41 United States League to Save America First 1940 The Truth About England: Learn the Causes & Cost of Our Wars, 1776—1812—1917— & 1940? T.W. Hughes United States — Foreign relations — Great Britain.
Great Britain — Foreign relations — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Neutrality of the United States.
5 42 United States League to Save America First [1940] The Truth About England: Learn the Causes & Cost of Our Wars, 1776—1812—1917— & 1940? T.W. Hughes World War, 1939–1945 — Causes.
World War, 1939–1945 — Great Britain.
Great Britain — Foreign relations — United States.
United States — Foreign relations — Great Britain.
5 43 United States Living History Publishing Company, New York [n.d.] For this we fight! Pennington Haile World War, 1939–1945.
5 44 United States Metro Publications, New York [1943] Sabotage!
The Secret War Against America
Michael Sayers, Albert E. Kahn, introduction by Lev Gleason World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Sabotage — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Propaganda.
5 45 United States Minute Men of America, Inc., Book-of-the-Hour Company, New York [1942] Japan... Foe of Freedom: Some important economic, historical & political facts about the ruthless enemy we are fighting in the Pacific Stanley Nehmer; J. Camarero, illus. Japan — Civilization.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
5 46 United States Moral Re-Armament, Judd & Detweiler, Inc., [Washington, D.C.] [1941] You Can Defend America Foreword by General John J. Pershing United States — Defenses.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 47 United States Moral Re-Armament, New York 1940 The Rise of a New Spirit William B. Bankhead, Arthur Capper, Earl of Athlone, Richard E. Byrd, Harry H. Woodring, Dr. Frank N.D. Buchman, Mrs. Thomas Edison Hughes, Henry Ford, Harry S. Truman World War, 1939–1945.
World War 1939–1945 Addresses Sermons Etc
5 48 United States National Association of Manufacturers, National Industrial Information Committee, New York [1942] American Women at War Carolyn Anspacher, Marcia Winn, Bess Stephenson, Nell Giles, Janet Owen, Amy Porter, Mary Hornaday, foreword by Mrs. William Brown Meloney World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — United States.
Women — Employment in Munitions Industry — United States.
5 49 United States National Association of Manufactures, New York [1942] America's Production Record One Year After Pearl Harbor Industries — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — United States.
5 50 United States National Association of Manufacturers, New York [1942] Men Against Time World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects — United States.
Industries — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — United States.
5 51 United States National Council of Catholic Men, Washington D.C. [1941] War & Guilt.
Nineteen addresses delivered in the nationwide Catholic Hour on Sundays from December 15, 1940 to April 13, 1941.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen Catholic Church.
War — Religious aspects.
5 52 United States National Democratic Committee, Record Publishing Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. [1936] The Case Against Franklin D. Roosevelt, With Some Reference to the Past United States — Politics, 1933–
5 53 United States National Foremen's Institute, Inc., New York [c1941] Sabotage: How to Guard Against It.A Manual for Industrial Workers, Supervisors & Executives Harry Desmond Farren Sabotage.
5 54 United States National Negro Congress [1941] Negro People Will Defend America Negro — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — African Americans.
5 55 United States New Century Publishers, New York [1945] The Communists & the Liberation of Europe Maxine Levi Communism — Europe.
Europe — Politics & government.
World War, 1939–1945.
5 56 United States New Century Publishers, New York [1945] Enemies of the Peace: Profile of the 'Hate-Russia' Gang Sender Garlin United States — Foreign relations — Soviet Union.
Soviet Union — Foreign relations — United States.
5 57 United States New Century Publishers, New York [1945] The Treatment of Defeated Germany V.J. Jerome Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
5 58 United States New York Post 1945 What Kind of Peace Shall We Make with Germany? Samuel Grafton World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
5 59 United States Occupational Education Tour for School Superintendents 1941 All-Out Defense Job Training: A Call to Dynamic Action Edwin A. Lee, Don M. Cresswell Weapons industry — Employees — Training — United States.
Defense industries — Employees — Training — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Educational aspects — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — United States.
5 60 United States Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Washington, D.C. [1944?] Spanish speaking Americans in the war: The Southwest [in English & Spanish] World War, 1939–1945 — United States — Social aspects.
Hispanic Americans.
5 61 United States Office of War Information, Washington, D.C. [1944] Depuis 1939 [in French] Depuis, Battle of, 1939.
5 62 United States Office of War Information, Washington, D.C. [1945] Enemy Japan World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
5 63 United States Patriotic Publishers, New York 1943 What to write HIM & what NOT to write, what to send... what you CAN NOT send, by the Captain The Captain, pseud. Letter writing.
5 64 United States Penguin Books, New York [1944] Shipyard Diary of a Woman Welder Augusta H. Clawson Welding.
Women — Employment — United States.
5 65 United States Readers Book Service, Inc., New York [1944] What to do with Germany Louis Nizer Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 66 United States Rightside Press, San Francisco 1941 Choosing a Reason for War Herbert Coggins; Ed Lester, illus. World War, 1939–1945 — Neutrality of the United States.
5 67 United States Rural Project, American Youth Comission, Council on Education; Division of Intercourse & Education, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Division of Program Study & Discussion, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Dept. of Agriculture; Youth Section, American Country Life Assocation; Washington, D.C. 1942 America's Leaders of Tomorrow are Talking: Discussion Outline on Problems Facing Young People Today E.L. Kirkpatrick World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
Youth — United States.
5 68 United States State Council of Defense, State Department of Education, Office of Price Administration, Providence, RI 1942 Ways to Victory: The Civilian's Share in Winning the War, A Teaching Guide Charles B. MacKay, ed. Rhode Island. Dept. of Education.
Rhode Island. State Council of Defense.
United States. Office of Price Administration.
5 69 United States Strathmore Press, New York [1943] What Should Be Done About Japan? Max Sherover, foreword by William E. Bohn National characteristics, Japanese.
World War, 1939–1945 — Japan.
5 70 United States T.W. Hughes 1944 Forty Years of Roosevelt T.W. Hughes United States — Politics & government — 1933–1945.
5 71 United States The Guilford Press, Chicago [1940] Roosevelt!!!
Is he greater than Washington???
C.M. Garland United States — Politics & government — 1933–1945.
5 72 United States Timber Engineering Company, Inc., National Lumber Manufacturers Association, American Forest Products Industries, Inc., Washington, D.C. [1942] The Forest Fights! Wood.
World War, 1939–1945 — Raw materials.
5 73 United States TIME, Inc., New York [1939] Background for War, reprinted from recent issues of TIME, the weekly newsmagazine World politics — 1900–1945.
5 74 United States United States Forces European Theater [1946] Occupation Germany — History — 1945–1955.
World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
5 75 United States United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1943 The Caribbean Islands & the War: A Record of Progress in Facing Stern Realities Caribbean Area.
West Indies — Economic conditions.
West Indies — Social conditions.
5 76 United States United States Treasury Department [1941] Mrs. Brown Buys a Bond for America's Future Savings bonds — United States.
5 77 United States United Urban League Service Fund (for social service among Negroes), [New York] [1945?] On the same team United States — Race relations.
African Americans — Employment.
5 78 United States Vassar Political Association 1944 The Returning Serviceman Emmy A. Berger, Homer Pearson, Emily J. Levy, Betty Brimburg World War, 1939–1945 — Demobilization & reconversion — United States.
Soldiers — Civil employment — United States.
Sailors — Civil employment — United States.
5 79 United States War Advertising Council, Inc., Office of War Information, War Manpower Commission, Army-Navy Joint Personnel Board, New York [1944] Put your advertising to work for more "Women at War" ...in war plants... essential civilian jobs... the armed forces Women — Employment — United States.
World War, 1939–1945 — Labor — United States.
5 80 United States War Prisoners Aid of the Y.M.C.A., New York [1943?] War Prisoners Aid: Information for Next of Kin World War, 1939–1945 — Prisoners & prisons.
World War, 1939–1945 — Hospitals.
5 81 United States War Relocation Authority, Washington, D.C. 1943 Relocation of Japanese-Americans Japanese Americans — Evacuation & relocation, 1942–1945.
World War, 1939–1945 — United States.
5 82 United States Willard Publishing Co., New York [1943] How to Treat the Germans Emil Ludwig National characteristics, German.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 83 United States William-Frederick Press, New York 1945 It Could Happen Here: The Menace of Native Fascism in America After World War II Charles Garfield Howell Fascism — United States.
United States — Politics & government — 1933–1945.
5 84 United States Youth Department & The Department of Christian Education of Adults, Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, TN [1944] What Kind of World Do You Want?An Interpretation of the Six Pillars of Peace for Speakers & Discussion Leaders O.L. Simpson Commission to study the bases of a just & durable peace. Six pillars of peace.
World War, 1939–1945 — Peace.
5 85 United States [1945] Road to Rome Foreword by Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Italy.
5 86 United States [1943] Would YOU sign this letter...?
Open letter to the "Loyal Americans of German Descent"
Dr. F.W. Foerster, T.H. Tetens, introdcution by Quetin Reynolds, Rex Stout Germans — United States.

6 1 United States / Austria Austro-American Committee, New York [n.d.] For a Free Austria in a Free World: A Report on the Austrian Situation Introduction by Dr. J. Auslander World War, 1939–1945 — Austria.
6 2 United States/ France War Information Office, Washington, D.C. [1944] La Bataille D'Afrique [in French] World War, 1939–1945 — Campaigns — Africa.
6 3 United States / France Workers Library Publishers, Inc., New York [1941] How France Was Betrayed Andre Marty, introduction by Robert Minor France — Politics & government.
World War, 1939–1945 — France.
6 4 United States / Germany Committee to Defend America, Free German Movement, New York [1941] Hitler's Shadow over South America Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Dr. Otto Strasser Fascism — Latin America.
World War, 1939–1945 — Secret service — Latin America.
World War, 1939–1945 — Secret service — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Propaganda — Latin America.
World War, 1939–1945 — Propaganda — Germany.
6 5 United States / Great Britain Headline Books, Foreign Policy Association, New York [1940] The British Empire Under Fire James Frederick Green, maps & charts by Bunji Tagawa Great Britain — Politics & government — 1936–1945.
Great Britain — Colonies.
6 6 United States / Great Britain Penguin Books, Allen Lane, New York, London [1940] Europe in Chains [2 copies] Paul Einzig World War, 1939–1945 — Germany.
World War, 1939–1945 — Economic aspects.
Europe — Economic conditions — 1918–1945.
National socialism.
6 7 United States / Hungary Amerikai Magyar Nepszava, Inc., New York [1942] The "Free Hungary" Movement Paul Nadanyi Eckhardt, Tibor, b. 1888.
American Hungarian Federation.
World War, 1939–1945 — Hungary.
Hungarians — United States.
6 8 United States/ Iceland Felagsprentsmidjan, Reykjavik, Iceland 1942 Armed Guardians: One Year in Iceland G-2 Section, Iceland Base Command United States. Army. Iceland Base Command.
World War, 1939–1945 — Iceland.
6 9 United States / Lithuania Workers Library Publishers, Inc., New York [1941] The New Lithuania Anna Louise Strong World War, 1939–1945 — Lithuania.
Lithuania — Description & travel.
6 10 United States / Netherlands War Information Office, Washington, D.C. [1944] Tarawa [in Dutch] Tarawa, Battle of, Kiribati, 1943.
World War, 1939–1945.
6 11 United States / Poland American Friends of Polish Democracy, New York 1941 The Polish Worker's Day: A Working Day in the Life of a Polish Worker in Occupied Warsaw Introductions by Robert M. McIver, Leo Krzycki Poland — History — Occupation, 1939–1945.
Warsaw (Poland) — History — Occupation, 1939–1945 — Social conditions.
6 12 United States / Poland American Friends of Polish Democracy, New York [1941] Underground Poland Speaks: Manifesto to the Peoples of the World Foreword by Frank Kingdon World War, 1939–1945 — Poland.
6 13 United States / U.S.S.R. Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union, New York [n.d.] Uncle Vasya is a Hero & other stories of the young heroes & heroines of the U.S.S.R. Skippy Homeier, Prof. Solomon Mikhoels, Hon. E.D. Kisselev, Roddy McDowall World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
World War, 1939–1945 — Jews.
6 14 United States / U.S.S.R. American Council on Soviet Relations, New York [1942] The Soviet People at War: how unity & morale are winning the war Alvah Bessie World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
6 15 United States / U.S.S.R. American Russian Institute for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union, Inc., New York [1942] The U.S.S.R. at War: 50 Questions, 50 Answers Bernard L. Koten, William Mandel, Harriet L. Moore World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
6 16 United States / U.S.S.R. Congress of American-Soviet Friendship [1942] Salute to Our Russian Ally: Report to the Congress of American-Soviet Friendship, New York City, November 7 & 8, 1942 Foreword by Corliss Lamont; Hon. Joseph E. Davies, Ralph Barton Perry, Arthur Upham Pope, E.C. Ropes, Francis E. McMahon, Hon. Claude D. Pepper, Genevieve Taggard, Hon. Fiorello La Guardia, Hon. Herbert H. Lehman, Thomas W. Lamont, William Green, R.J. Thomas, Lt. General Leslie C. McNair, Paul Robeson, Thomas L. Harris, Allen Wardwell, Hon. Henry A. Wallace, Ambassador Litvinov World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
6 17 United States / U.S.S.R. National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, New York [1945] U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Nations United for Victory, Peace & Prosperity.Partners for Peace Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.; Andrei A. Gromyko; Earl of Halifax; Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Eleanor Roosevelt; Henry J. Kaiser United States — Foreign relations — Russia.
Russia — Foreign relations — United States.
6 18 United States / U.S.S.R. New Century Publishers, New York [1945] What Russia Did for Victory Sergei Kournakoff World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
6 19 United States / U.S.S.R. United Press Associations, [New York] [1942] Inside Warring Russia: An Eye-Witness Report on the Soviet Union's Battle—Compiled from Dispatches, Censored & Uncensored Wallace Carrol, foreword by Earl J. Johnson World War, 1939–1945 — Soviet Union.
6 20 United States / U.S.S.R., Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria National Committee of American Slav Congress, New York [1945] Slav People's Vow... Never Again! Mary Pirinsky, preface by Louis Adamic World War, 1939–1945 — Slavs.
World War, 1939–1945 — Atrocities.
6 21 United States / U.S.S.R. / Poland National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, New York [1944] Inside Liberated Poland Anna Louise Strong, introduction by Edwin S. Smith World War, 1939–1945 — Poland.
Poland — Politics, 1944.
6 22 United States / Yugoslavia Magazine House, New York [1944] The Incredible Tito, Man of the Hour Howard Fast Tito, Yugoslav field marshal. Tito, Josip Broz, 1892–1980.
World War, 1939–1945 — Yugoslavia.
6 23 United States / Yugoslavia United Committee of South–Slavic Americans, New York [1945] Liberation. Death to Fascism! Liberty to the People! Picture Story of the Yugoslav People's Epic Struggle Against the Enemy — To Win Unity & a Decent Future 1941–1945 Louis Adamic, ed. World War, 1939–1945 — Free & resistance movements, Yugoslav.
World War, 1939–1945 — Pictorial works.
6 24 United States / Yugoslavia United Committee of South-Slavic Americans, New York 1944 The Yugoslav Peoples Fight to Live Josip Broz Tito, introduction by Louis Adamic World War, 1939–1945 — Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia — Politics & government.
6 25 United States / Poland Polish Supply & Reconstruction Mission, Washington, D.C. 1946 Rebirth of a City: The Reconstruction of Warsaw Reconstruction (1939–1951) — Poland — Warsaw.
Warsaw (Poland) — History.
Last updated:
April 9, 2016