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Henry Churchill King Correspondence Index

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Index of Correspondence


Cabeen, Charles W. 1904-20 (1339)
Cable, John L. 1921 (1343)
Cadbury, Henry J. 1912-21 (1345)
Cadman, S. Parkes 1907-26 (1352)
Cadmus, William E. 1903-11 (1413)
Cady, C.M. 1911-20 (1439)
Cady, Mrs. C.M. 1911-12 (1449)
Cady, Geo. L. 1906-27 (1471)
Cady, W.J. 1912-21 (1490)
Cahill, Margaret 1911-15 (1496)
Cahill, Thaddeus 1906 (1502)
Cairns, Alexander 1918 (1504)
Cairns, Anna Sneed 1915 (1505)
Cairns, William D. 1903-25 (1509)
Cajori, Florian 1913 (1551)
Cake, Harry M. 1908-25 (1555)
Calder, Helen B. 1913-20 (1559)
Caldwell, C.A. 1913 (1572)
Caldwell, E.B. 1907 (1574)
Caldwell, Robert L. 1905 (1576)
Caldwell, W.H. 1912 (1578)
Caldwell, Wm. J. 1917 (1580)
Calhoun, Newell M. 1906-07 (1584)
Calkins, Mary Whiton 1918 (1604)
Calkins, Raymond 1913-22 (1605)
Callahan, J.M. 1918-20 (1628)
Callahan, Mrs. John 1913 (1634)
Calland, Mr. & Mrs. W.C. 1913 (1636)
Callender, Guy S. 1914 (1640)
Callender, Sherman D. 1905-15 (14)
Calvary Club for Men 1914 (32)
Calvin Monument Fund 1907-08 (34)
Cambridge University Press 1911-12 (39)
Cameron, G.D. 1917 (63)
Cammack, I.H. 1925 (65)
Camp, C.A. 1908 (68)
Camp, Eugene M. 1916-22 (69)
Camp, William R. 1904 (80)
Camp Fire Girls 1912-17 (87)
Camp Sherman 1918 (90)
Camp Upton 1918 (93)
Campbell, Gabriel 1909-12 (94)
Campbell, Herbert G. 1906-12 (102)
Campbell, J.C. 1915 (106)
Campbell, James M. 1905-08 (108)
Campbell, P.L. 1924 (117)
Campbell, Philip P. 1920 (121)
Campbell, R.J. 1911-12 (122)
Campbell, R.L. 1917 (124)
Campbell, R.T. 1917 (126)
Campbell, Stewart 1904-21 (130)
Campbell, Wallace B. 1914 (143)
Campbell, William R. 1905-12 (145)
Campbell, Z.B. 1917 (165)
Canby, Henry Seidel 1922 (167)
Candee, George 1904-22 (169)
Candee, Abbe Rytie 1911-24 (213)
Candler, Warren A. 1917 (224)
Candy, J. Franklin 1922-23 (232)
Cannon, James G. 1911 (238)
Cant, Mrs. P.R. 1919-20 (239)
Canton Chamber of Commerce 1917 (250)
Canton Christian College 1906 (252)
Capen, Edward Warren 1906-15 (255)
Capen, Samuel B. 1903-12 (291, 322)
Capen, Samuel P. 1910-25 (320, 336)
Capps, Edward 1923-26 (343)
Carl, F.M. 1916 (370)
Carleton College 1916 (372)
Carlson, John F. 1912 (374)
Carmack, Harry E. 1905-07 (377)
Carman, Bliss 1911 (397)
Carman, W.W. 1911-16 (398)
Carnegie, Andrew [includes his secretary, James Bertram, & others] 1903-27 (442)
Carnoy, Albert J. 1917 (636)
Carpenter, B.G. 1912 (641)
Carpenter, Frank B. 1919 (645)
Carpenter, O.W. 1905 (646)
Carpenter, Wm. H. 1914 (649)
Carr, E.S.1915 (651)
Carr, F.E.1925 (657)
Carr, W.L. 1921-25 (659)
Carrell, M.G. 1915 (668)
Carrere & Hastings 1903 (672)
Carrie, C.R. 1912-13 (675)
Carrier, A.S. 1915 (683)
Carroll, B.F. 1912 (686)
Carroll, Charles W. 1903-07 (688)
Carroll, Mitchell 1916 (697)
Carroll, Richard 1914-18 (698)
Carroll, Walter N. 1912-20 (746)
Carruthers, Arthur 1905 (750)
Carruthers, W.P. 1912 (756)
Carson, J. William 1916 (758)
Carson, Lewis C. 1916 (760)
Carson, Luella C. 1912 (762)
Carter, Charles F. 1917-22 (764)
Carter, E.C. 1908-26 (784)
Carter, Homer W. 1903-17 (804)
Carter, Howard H, 1906 (814)
Carter, James T. 1913 (824)
Carter, O.F. 1907 (827)
Carter, Orrin N. 1912 (830)
Carter, S.B. 1904 (831)
Cartmell, B.E. 1926 (842)
Carton, Mrs. L.A. 1910 (847)
Carver, Thomas Nixon 1908-25 (958)
Cary, Luther H. 1908-15 (850)
Case, Mr. & Mrs. F.E. 1903-24 (974)
Case, Mary Emily 1903-1908 (981)
Case, Mary S. 1904 (996)
Case, Shirley Jackson 1912-20 (1001)
Case, William Moll 1920 (1007)
Caskey, Herbert K. 1905-07 (1011)
Caskey, William G. 1906-18 (1016)
Caskey & Calhoun 1904 (1037)
Cassell, Nettie 3.908-13 (1040)
Castle, George P. 1915-16 (1044)
Castle, William E. 1906 (1045)
Castle, William R. 1909-26 (1046)
Caswell, Mary 1904-22 (1071)
Cathcart, Wallace H. 1908 (1187)
Cathell, J. Everist 1911 (1192)
Catholic Theater Movement 1921 (1194)
Cattell, J. McKeen 1918 (1196)
Catton, W. Robert 1917-25 (1202)
Caughey, Emily R. 1904 (1212)
Caughey, Jessie A. 1908-11 (1223)
Caulkins, David L. 1906-15 (1237)
Causey, Mr. & Mrs. James H. 1917-23 (1261)
Cavanaugh, John 1905-10 (1278)
Caverno, Charles 1926 (1283)
Cavert, Samuel McCrea 1906 (1289)
Caward, Olin M. 1912 (1290)
Central China University 1924 (1293)
Central Labor Bodies Conference 1920-21 (1294)
Central Passenger Assn. 1906 (1322)
Century Assn. 1924 (1325)
Century Company 1906-23 (1330)
Chadbourne, William M. 1919-20 (1340)
Chadron Academy 1906 (1349)
Chadwick, Mrs. Katherine M. 1920 (1355)
Chaffee, Herbert F. 1905 (1359)
Chamberlain, C.W. 1919 (1364)
Chamberlain, Charles J. 1903-23 (1366)
Chamberlain, Clark W. 1914 (1383)
Chamberlain, E.W. 1906 (1385)
Chamberlain, Ernest B. 1904-25 (1386)
Chamberlain., F.W. 1905 (1392)
Chamberlain, Frederick W. 1903-18 (1395)
Chamberlain, George H. 1904-11 (1401)
Chamberlain, John A. 1914 (1409)
Chamberlain, Joseph S. 1915 (1411)
Chamberlain, Leander T. 1904-05 (1413)
Chamberlain, W.I. 1906-17 (1416)
Chamberlain, W.I. 1912 (1424)
Chamberlain Metal Weatherstrip Co. 1904-05 (1429)
Chamberlin, Georgia L. 1908-24 (1434)
Chamberlin, Harrie R. 1913-14 (1448)
Chamberlin, J.H. 1908 (1461)
Chamberlin, W.A. 1917-20 (1464)
Chamberlin, William B. 1905-26 (1467)
Champenois, J.J. 1920 (1475)
Champlin, A.E. 1925-26 (1477)
Chandler, Charles F. 1915 (1481)
Chandler, Edward H. 1909-20 (1483)
Chandler, Frank W. 1914 (1488)
Chandler, Howard D. 1904-09 (1490)
Chandler, J.H. 1909 (1500)
Chandler, John S. 1911-13 (1501)
Chaney, Gertrude 1908-13 (1506)
Chang, M.S. 1919 (1513)
Channon, Irving M. 1907-15 (1514)
Chapel 1907-15 (1519)
Chapin, E.L. 1903 (1533)
Chapin, Lucile 1903-21 (1534)
Chapin, W.H. 1911-26 (1537)
Chaplains 1918-24 (1542 '
Chapman, Clayton 1906 (1553)
Chapman, Edgar K. 1903-27 (1563)
Chapman, Grace 1906 (1580)
Chapman, Howard R. 1912 (1586)
Chappelow, Mrs. B.B. 1913 (1589)
Charles, Ethelwyn 1905-25 (1592)
Charles, Thomas 1904-21 (1605)
Chase (A.B.) Co. 1905-12 (1619)
Chase, C. Thurston 1906-20 (1627)
Chase, Mrs. Chas. W. 1905-07 (14)
Chase, Cleveland K. 1903-16 (25)
Chase, Frank R. 1904) (38)
Chase, Geo. C. 1903 -(43)
Chase, John H. 1925 (46)
Chase, O.M. 1910 (52)
Chattin, W.R. 1912 (53)
Chautauqua Institution 1908 (55)
Checlzzli, C.F. 1906-07 (56)
Chen, Y.C. 1921 (61)
Cheney, Charles E. 1906 (64)
Cheney, Ralph L. 1905-20 (68)
Cheney, Sheldon 1916 (82)
Cheng, Tao Ju 1919 (84)
Chesborough, Mrs. Ralph F. 1919 (90)
Chez, Anthony, W. 1903-13 (91)
Chicago Bible Extension College 1924 (101)
Chicago College Club 1918 (106)
Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations 1917 (109)
Chicago Herald Examiner 1924 (111)
Chicago Record-Herald 1904r (112)
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy 1908-13 (116)
Chicago Sunday Evening Club 1914-17 (120)
Chicago Theological Seminary 1903-26 (148)
Chicago Tribune 1905-07 (166)
Chiesa, Emanuel 1909 (170)
Child, Frank S. 1905-18 (173)
Child, Scott P. 1918-22 (180)
Child Conservation League of America 1912 (196)
Child Health Organization 1922 (201)
Childers, James Saxon 1920 (206)
Childs, Jesse C. 1904-08 (207)
China Famine ... [groups] 1907-21 (211)
China Institute in America 1927 (228)
Chinese Educational Mission 1921-22 (232)
Chinese Ministry of Education 1919 (238)
Chinese Recorder, The 1912 (243)
Chinese Students.... (various groups) 1914-22 (246)
Chittenden, Mrs. Ella C. 1907 (271)
Chittenden, Mary C. 1903-05 (277)
Chittenden, l Simeon B. 1911 (283)
Chivers, A.H. 1916 (286)
Choate, Washington 1905-06 (289)
Chormann, Frederick 1915 (296)
Chrisman, Oscar 1904-08 (298)
Christian, Leonard J. 1913-25 (313)
Christian Century, The 1919-26 (337)
Christian Endeavor, United Society of 1907-24 (346)
Christian Endeavor Union, The World's 1925-27 (364)
Christian Endeavor World 1925 (367)
Christian Herald 1909-1927 (396)
Christian Register 1904-1923 (426)
Christian Science Monitor 1915-25 (439)
Christie, Mrs. Carmelite Brewer 1920 (451)
Christy, D.Wallace 1912-13 (455)
Christy, W.C. 1909 (459)
Chu, Miss Fang 1921-22 (462)
Church, A.B. 1906-08 (465)
Church, S.H. 1907-15 (484)
Church Peace Union 1915-20 (491)
Churchill, Alfred V. 1903-25 (502)
Churchill, D.C. 1908-19 (515)
Churchill, F.A., Jr. 1916 (559)
Churchill, Mrs. Helena B. 1912 (561)
Churchill, Winston 1914 (563)
Chute, Charles L. 1913 (565)
Cincinnati City Club 1919 (570)
Cipriano, Frank J. 1927 (578)
Cissna, W.E. 1914 (580)
Citizens Committee of 1000 1923-24 (584)
Citizenship Conference 1923 (610)
City Club of Cleveland 1921 (628)
City Club of Kansas City 1916 (630)
City Club of St. Louis 1915 (633)
Civil Service Commission of Ohio 1915-19 (636)
Claiborne, Elizabeth 1921 (646)
Clapp, Raymond G. 1919-24 (648)
Clark, Albert W. 1912-15 (657)
Clark, Alice Keep 1924 (661)
Clark, Annie L. 1917 (662)
Clark, Arthur B. 1903 (669)
Clark, B.F. (Clark Teacher's Agency) 1903-05 (673)
Clark, Mrs. C.J. 1922 (700)
Clark, Calvin M. 1908 (702)
Clark, Champ 1917 (705)
Clark, Chester M. 1905 (707)
Clark, Cyrus A. 1903-26 (711)
Clark, Edward W. 1906-16 (808)
Clark, Elmer T. 1920-23 (830)
Clark, Francis E. 1907-20 (848)
Clark, Friend E. 1914 (865)
Clark, Mr. & Mrs. George M. (Elizabeth Keep) 1906-20 (870)
Clark, Grover 1926-27 (970)
Clark, J.B. 1906-07 (977)
Clark, Mrs. J. Caroline 1915 (981)
Clark, Joseph 1911-1912 (985)
Clark, O.C. 1903-15 (996)
Clark, Mrs. O.C. 1906-16 (1079)
Clark, Pliny 0. 1904-05 (1083)
Clark, Russell A. 1916 (1095)
Clark, Thomas A. 1904-14 (1098)
Clark, Wilson J. 1922-24 (1115)
Clark Teacher's Agency 1907-08 (1124)
Clark University 1921-22 (1129)
Clarke, A.S.C. 1920 (1131)
Clarke, Claude E. 1916 (1133)
Clarke, Clement G. 1909 (1136)
Clarke, Harry N. 1905-07 (1140)
Clarke, Helen G. 1916-17 (1147)
Clarke, J.F. 1908 (1156)
Clarke, John H. 1907-25 (li59)
Clarke, T.J. 1914 (1169)
Classes of 1920-27 1922-26 (1178)
Clawson, C.R. 1909 (1189)
Clay, H.M. n.d. (1191)
Clayton, J.B. 1915 (1194)
Cleary, P. Roger 1913 (1196)
Clement, Willard K. 1912 (1204)
Clemmer, E.B. 1915-21 (1207)
Cleveland, Mrs. Grover (Frances F.) 1912 (1215)
Cleveland Advertising Club 1913-22 (1218)
Cleveland Assn. of Credit Mon 1925-26 (1236)
Cleveland Board of Education 1925-26 (1240)
Cleveland Branch - NAACP 1914 (1244)
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce 1913-29 (1245, 1274)
Cleveland City Club 1918-19 (1252)
Cleveland Civitan Club 1922 (1266)
Cleveland Community Fund 1921-23 (1268)
Cleveland Council of Sociology 1912 (1282)
Cleveland Leader 1904-05 (1284)
Cleveland Life Underwriters Assoc. 1915-19 (1289)
Cleveland News 1907 (1294)
Cleveland Museum of Art 1924 (1295)
Cleveland Plain Dealer 1906-23 (1297)
Cleveland Press 1907 (1306)
Cleveland Southwestern & Columbus Ry. Co.1914-20 (1307)
Cleveland Trust Co. 1916-26 (1312)
Clifford, J.B. 1906 (1322)
Clifford, O.C. 1908 (1325)
Clifton Springs Sanitarium 1920 (1335)
Cline, John A. 1912 (1338)
Cline, Warren W. 1918-23 (1342)
Clippinger, Walter G. 1906-25 (1347)
Cloud, Henry Roe 1913-26 (1378)
Clough, Mrs. Carl B. 1926 (1395)
Coates, Ben E. 1908-15 (1399)
Coates, Louise 1923 (1407)
Coates, William R. 1904-09 (1409)
Cobb, Josephine 1905 (1414)
Coburn, Charles D. 1910-16 (1417)
Coburn, Mrs. Helen G. 1903 (1424)
Cochran, Helen 1916-23 (1433)
Cochran, Joseph W. 1912-16 (1437)
Cochran, William C. 1903-27 (15)
Cochran, William S. 1918 (194)
Cockayne, Charles A. 1911 (198)
Coe, Emmons 1917 (205)
Coe, George A. 1903-10 (207)
Coffey, Hobart R. 1916 (281)
Coffin, C.A. 1911 (283)
Coffin, C.P. 1911 (284)
Coffman, L.D. 1924 (288)
Coggeshall, M.C. 1915-24 (290)
Cohn, Adolphe 1918 (363)
Coit, Stanton 1910 (364)
Colburn, Harvey C. 1917-18 (365)
Colby, Mrs. A.M. 1925 (373)
Colcord, Samuel 1919-25 (376)
Cole, Alice H. 1924-26 (487)
Cole, Ashley T. 1926 (494)
Cole, Charles Nelson 1903-24 (496)
Cole, J.J. 1917 (655)
Cole, John A. 1918 (659)
Cole, Mary E. 1911 (660)
Cole, Royal M. 1909-15 (662)
Coleman, George W. 1918 (669)
Coleman, Mrs. Harriet Castle 1924 (671)
Coleman, Horace E. 1914 (674)
Coleman, O.L. 1908 (679)
Coler, G.P. 1913 (682)
Coles, Emilie S. 1912 (688)
Colgate University 1916-22 (691)
Collector of Internal Revenue 1915-18 (696)
College Blue Book 1919 (700)
College for Women, Western Reserve 1917 (703)
College of William & Mary 1924 (705)
College of Wooster 1917 (709)
College Teachers of the Bible 1917 (712)
Collegiate Anti-Militarism League 1915 (714)
Colley, John H. 1909 (719)
Collicott, J.G. 1912-22 (720)
Collie, G.L. 1906-09 (732)
Collier, Charles 1917 (745)
Collier, P.F. & Son 1911-24 (747)
Collier, Theodore 1920-22 (762)
Collins, E.W. 1905 (769)
Collins, Edward C. 1909 (771)
Collins, H.A. 1914-16 (774)
Collins, Stanley B. 1918 (782)
Colloni, Jos. E. 1904 (783)
Colman, Lawrence J. 1914 (788)
Colmery, Harry W. 1921 (790)
Colorado College 1917-25 (792)
Colton, Mr. & Mrs. A.E. 1903-10 (800)
Columbia University 1918-26 (819)
Columbus Citizen 1923-25 (833)
Columbus Congregational Club 1919 (837)
Columbus Dispatch 1907-22 (840)
Combs, H.L. 1916 (852)
Comfort, Mary Fales 1909 (854)
Comfort, W.W. 1922 (856)
Comin, John 1918-20 (859)
Comings, A.G. 1909-12 (863)
Comings, W.R. 1907-25 (870)
Commission on Christian Education 1914-24 (881)
Commission on Church & Country Life 1915 (889)
Commission on Missions 1917-27 (892)
Commission on Social Service 1925 (934)
Commission on Survey of Foreign Students 1922 (971)
Commissioners of the District of Columbia 1909 (973)
Committee of Mercy 1915 (976)
Committee of One Hundred 1907-08 (982)
Committee on Educational Publicity in the Interests of World Peace 1922-23 (1003)
Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students 1923 (1010)
Committee on Public Information 1918 (1016)
Committee to Study the Tobacco Problem 1919-24 (1026)
Commoner, The 1903 (1072)
Commons, Mr. & Mrs. John R. 1907-27 (1075)
Compton, Elias 1908-25 (1119)
Comstock, E.B. 1904-27 (1124)
Comstock, John M. 1909 (1133)
Conaghan, H.H. 1917 (1135)
Conant, J.L. 1908 (1138)
Cone, M.C. 1913 (1142)
Conference of British & American Professors of English 1922 (1144)
Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief 1914-25 (1146)
Congregational Clubs 1911-15 (1174)
Congregational Education Society 1907-27 (1188)
"Congregational Minnesota" 1908 (1203)
Congregational Prospectors Tour 1925 (1205)
Congregational Publishing Society 1920-23 (1211)
Congregational Schools of Theology 1909 (1216)
Congregational Sunday-School & Publishing Society 1908-17 (1219)
Congregational Tour 1915 (1258)
Congregational World Movement 1920-21 (1263)
Congregational Year Book 1917-27 (1270)
Congregationalist, The 1906-27 (1276)
Conibear, George A. 1913 (1353)
Conkle, N.W. 1905-13 (1357)
Conklin, Edwin G. 1923 (1360)
Conrad, A.Z. 1909-13 (1366)
Constantinople College 1916-19 (1371)
Constitution League of the United States 1907 (1387)
Consumers' League of Ohio 1915 (1393)
Continent, The 1910-21 (1398)
Converse, Helen 1918 (1403)
Conybeare, Mrs. Jane 1920 (1405)
Conybeare, S.E. 1914 (1408)
Cook, E. Albert 1914-15 (1410)
Cook, George Wm. 1912 (1414)
Cook, Georgiana H. 1903 (1418)
Cook, Irving C.H. 1908 (1421)
Cook, Lorrain, . A. 1916 (1424)
Cook, R.J. 1913 (1426)
Cook, Thomas & Sons 1909-20 (1429)
Cook, W. Scott 1910 (1435)
Cooke, A.F. 1920 (1437)
Cooley, James S. 1917 (1438)
Coolidge, Calvin 1920-27 (1441)
Cooper, Mrs. Anna J. 1904-25 (1443)
Cooper, Benjamin R. 1925 (1461)
Cooper, Clayton S. 1903-11 (1463)
Cooper, Dahl B. 1903-08 (1517)
Cooper, Jas. W. 1905-15 (1534)
Cooper, Norman G. 1911-12 (1556)
Cooper, R. Watson 1911-17 (1563)
Cooper, W.C. 1903-06 (1615)
Cooperative Manager & Farmer 1912 (1623)
Cope, Henry F. 1908-1910 (14)
Copeland, Foster 1910 (33)
Copeland, Guild A. 1924 (35)
Corbin, E.R. 1906 (37)
Corbin, Paul Leaton 1903-26 (39)
Corbly, L.J. 1903 (106)
Corda, Fratres 1912-14 (109)
Corder, Charlotte F. 1906 (117)
Core, Harley R. 1907-16 (119)
Cornelius, T. Joseph 1919-21 (123)
Cornell College & University 1912-23 (132)
Cornetet, N.E. 1904 (138)
Cornwell, A.G. 1912 (141)
Cosmopolitan Clubs 1916 (148)
Cosmopolitan News Service 1923 (150)
Cortelyou, G.B. 1909 (152)
Cotrell & Leonard 1908-09 (155)
Coteworth, Albert 1905 (163)
Council of Church Boards of Education 1917-26 (166)
Council of National Defense 1917-19 (289)
Country Life Sub-Commission (Nat'l. Council of Churches) 1924-25 (311)
Courier, The 1905 (323)
Cowan, J.W. 1908 (324)
Cowdery, Karl M. 1925 (330)
Cowdery, Mr. & Mrs. Kirke L. 1909-25 (331)
Cowell, Henry J. 1926 (347)
Cowell & Hubbard Co. 1903-27 (351)
Cowing, Helen H. 1905-06 (367)
Cowles, Mrs. George B. 1905-10 (377)
Cowles, Henry C. 1905-23 (396)
Cowles, J.G.W. 1902-13 (439)
Cowles, Mary F. 1907-08 (478)
Cowley, R.H. 1914-20 (489)
Cowling, Donald J. 1912-26 (499)
Cox, Charles Finney 1903-11 (632)
Cox, Mrs. Helen Finney 1904-06 (783)
Cox, J.D. 1906-26 (788)
Cox, Jacob D., Jr. 1926-27 (890)
Cox, James M. 1913-20 (893)
Cox, Kenyon 1908-18 (912)
Cox & Roosevelt Independent League 1920 (943)
Crabbe, J.G. 1918 (953)
Crafts, Walter N. 1914 (955)
Crafts, Wilbur F. 1903-18 (959)
Craig, Alfred E. 1914 (1006)
Craig, Mrs. Clarence R. 1922 (1010)
Craig, Edward G. 1916 (1017)
Craighead, E.B. 1908 (1020)
Crandall, Lathan A. 1903 (1023)
Crandell, F.G. 1906-25 (1027)
Crane, Charles R. 1919-24 (1043)
Crane, Clara L. 1921-27 (1077)
Crane, Murray W. 1911 (1084)
Crane, Winthrop M. 1923-25 (1085)
Crane, Z. Marshall 1918 (1090)
Crane, Zenas 1908-17 (1093)
Cravath, Paul D. 1902-26 (1134)
Crawford, N.A. 1921 (1207)
Crawford, W.H. 1904-15 (1212)
Creager (A.Y.) Co. 1920 (1229)
Creager, J.0. 1904 (1232)
Creegan, C.C. 1903-13 (1239)
Cregor, Mrs. M.M. 1920 (1262)
Creighton University 1925 (1265)
Crenshaw, Lewis D. 1918 (1268)
Cressey, Roger F. 1921 (1269)
Cressy, F.G. 1918 (1272)
Crisis, The 1915-25 (1274)
Crisler, Chas. Wm. 1916-19 (1280)
Crittenden, W.B. 1903-04 (1295)
Crockett, Esther M. 1923 (1306)
Crombie, A.M. 1909 (1310)
Crook, James W. 1907-24 (1313)
Crooks, H.M. 1922-27 (1323)
Crosby, Mrs. W.H. 1918' (1338)
Crosley Radio Corporation 1925 (1347)
Cross, Cleaveland R. 1904-19 (1350)
Cross, E.A. 1911-16 (1357)
Cross, Edward W. 1913-25 (1366)
Cross, Frank 1909 (1391)
Cross, R.T. 1903-24 (1398)
Crossfield, R.H. 1911-18 (1427)
Crossman, Raymond M. 1914 (1438)
Crothers, Samuel M. 1915-16 (1440)
Crowell, Thomas Y. & Co. 1905-24 (1444)
Crowther, Samuel 1916 (1465)
Crusader Monthly, The 1906 (1467)
Culbertson, Henry C. 1920 (1469)
Cull, Richard 1923 (1474)
Cully, H.H. 1908-20 (1476)
Culver, Helen 1906 (1487)
Cumming, Alexander 1911 (1491)
Cummings, Mabel L. 1906 (1499)
Cummings, Mary Dale 1923 (1506)
Cunningham, T.E. 1921 (1510)
Curie (Marie) Radium Fund 1921 (1513)
Current History Magazine 1917-20 (1520)
Current Opinion 1920-25 (1533)
Currier, Albert H. 1906-22 (1536)
Curtis, Chester B. 1910-11 (1582)
Curtis, Edward L. 1906-08 (1584)
Curtis, Emerson 1927 (1618)
Curtis, Henry Melville 1903-07 (1624)
Curtis Publishing Co. 1914-%(1634)
Curtiss, Mrs. Payson L. 1918 (1637)
Curtiss, Zoda A. 1913 (1640)
Cushing (J.S.) Co. 1909 (1643)
Cushman, Josephine A. 1922 (1646)
Cushman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. 1915-27 (14)
Cutler, Mrs. Carroll 1907-08 (23)
Cutting, R. Bayard 1912-13 (29)
Czechoslovak Exposition Committee 1926 (37)
Czecho-Slovak Scholarships 1920 (41)
