Student Life under COVID-19
Update (May, 2021)
On May 17, changes were announced to Oberlin’s policies related to COVID-19. See Changes to Campus COVID-19 Protocols for details.
Oberlin seeks to maintain its vibrant campus life while ensuring that the entire community takes every possible step to reduce COVID-19 transmission. To achieve this goal, everyone’s creativity, patience, and collaboration will be necessary—exactly the kind of collective work at which Obies excel.
Throughout the ObieSafe campaign, you’ll see references to physical distancing. This word choice is very intentional. Although we will all do our best to maintain the space between us needed to reduce COVID-19 transmission, we will seek every opportunity to create, promote, and strengthen the social bonds that are a key part of individual and community health.
Summary of Requirements for Students
You will be required to fill out the Full Measure tracking tool each morning before you start your day. You will need to take your temperature and complete a symptom assessment check-list. If you are running a fever of 100.4 or higher or have any symptoms, you will be instructed to stay in your room and call Student Health Services at 440-775-8180. If you are without fever and symptom-free, you will be given a green light to start your day.
If at any point during the day you begin to feel ill, go to your room and call Student Health. If you are feeling ill between 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday or anytime during the weekend, please call the Mercy Allen Emergency Department at 440-775-1211.
You will be issued five (5) reusable masks. You will be required to keep your masks clean and in good repair. Masks should be laundered before use. Wear the mask with the white lining side against your face. The mask must cover your nose, mouth, and chin. You may also wear your own mask at any time. Should your masks be lost or become damaged, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at for replacements.
You must wear a mask when you are on campus, unless you are in your room alone with the door closed or have an approved accommodation that exempts you. (Please contact Student Accessibility Services at 440-775-5588 as soon as possible to request an accommodation in regard to the mask requirement.) When outside, you should wear a mask at all times.
Meetings and gatherings should be conducted via Zoom. If they must be done in-person, you must meet in a room where you can be separated by at least a six-foot open space between guests. In-person meetings are limited to 10 people or less.
Students will be expected to avoid congregating in common areas such as laundry rooms, kitchens or lounges. Students will be expected to practice physical distancing guidelines and keep six feet apart when possible.
Practice cough and sneeze etiquette in public areas. Wash hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Follow all signage on campus as it applies to COVID-19.
If you feel that you need to talk with someone about stress, please contact Student Health and Counseling at 440-775-8470. When the office is not open, you may call the same number and press option “2” to speak to a licensed counselor.