Policies Related to COVID-19
A number of policies have been revised or created to address the many changes we’ve made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Update (May, 2021)
On May 17, changes were announced to Oberlin’s policies related to COVID-19. See Changes to Campus COVID-19 Protocols for details.
For All
COVID-19 Testing Policy
Oberlin has devised a layered strategy to maintain the health and safety of the campus community during this academic year. One of the key elements of this strategy is the ongoing testing of all students, faculty and staff on campus each term. The college has contracted with Tempus, out of Chicago, and Mercy Health – Allen Hospital in Oberlin to execute the testing strategy. Each person who comes to campus in the fall will be tested upon arrival and once a month thereafter.
Testing more than 3,000 people each month represents a significant financial investment. To help cover the cost of testing students, the August 2020 term bill will include a $530 fee covering the tests as well as the administration of the process. Students living in campus housing as well as those approved for in-person classes but living off campus will be charged the fee. Students participating in remote learning only will not be charged.
We appreciate your enthusiasm for a successful but unique learning environment this academic year. We are taking extraordinary steps to ensure the health and safety of the students, faculty and staff. We look forward to welcoming students on campus this fall. For additional information on the testing process, please refer to the COVID-19 Testing Overview.
Additional Policies for All Groups
- Travel Policy
- Remote Work: Student Employees
- Off-Campus Engagement Policy
- Policy on Guests and Access to Campus
Policies for Students
- 2020-2021 Community Agreement
- Procedures for Supporting Compliance with the 2020-2021 Community Agreement
- Housing and Dining Agreement
- Policy on Parties
Policies for Faculty and Staff
The latest versions of the following documents are available on the Human Resources Campus Reopening Resources page.
- Contact Tracing
- Returning to Work Amid COVID
- Social Distancing Guidelines at Work
- Return to Work Office Checklist
- Employee Acknowledgement Statement
- Remote Work Agreement
- ADA Accommodation Request Form
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)