ObieSafe: Facilities Improvements
Oberlin has made a number of significant improvements to facilities, classrooms, and other spaces to support a safe campus environment.
Common areas and classrooms are being de-densified, with the removal of furniture to enable physical distancing.
Plexiglass is being installed across campus wherever appropriate, including reception areas and dining halls.
Sanitation stations are being installed throughout campus and in classrooms.
Signs emphasizing hand washing, social distancing, mask-wearing, and maximum occupancy have been designed and are being posted.
Wayfinding signage will be posted across campus, including room capacities, designated entrances and exits, stairway and hall directions, and other information that will support physical distancing in shared spaces. Some hallways and stairways will be deemed one-way to facilitate physical distancing.
Cleaning supplies will be available in common-use spaces including restrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens to disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Oberlin Facilities Operations has reviewed all of our HVAC systems in accordance with industry and CDC guidelines with our team of licensed mechanical engineers and industry experts. We are following all guidelines in maintaining filters, increasing outside air, reprogramming controls for efficient air exchanges, and making sure systems are working efficiently. Many of our buildings do not have recirculating air systems. We currently use MERV-8 filters as standard.We are upgrading HVAC systems that have the capability to handle a more restrictive filter to MERV-13 filters. We are also installing UV disinfection in the appropriate HVAC systems where it will be effective.
Improved cleaning frequency of all communal spaces using protocols that meet CDC guidelines has been scheduled across campus.
Reducing the spread of COVID-19 transmission in bathrooms will be accomplished by providing cleaning products for disinfections, establishing maximum occupancy limits, enforcing social distancing, and signage. We will be reviewing the feasibility of installing toilet lids.
To report any concerns or request additional a modification to facilities, please call 440-775- 8445. For after-hours emergencies, please call Campus Safety at 440-775-8444.