A Well-Rounded Med Student: Mia Bates ’18
October 22, 2021
Kyra McConnell ’22
Neuroscience major and cross-country team alum Mia Bates ’18 is studying at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in Bronx, New York. She reflects on her time at Oberlin, and how the liberal arts model allowed her to become a well-rounded student and explore her passions.

Sound and Sport Converge in Season-Opening Festival October 9-10
September 29, 2021
Erich Burnett
“Music, Sports, and the Enduring Influence of Ancient Greece” draws upon resources from across Oberlin’s campus.

Biology, Baseball, and Med School: A Conversation with Lawrence Hamilton ’21
September 27, 2021
Kyra McConnell ’22
Biology major and Oberlin baseball team alum Lawrence Hamilton ’21 is finding success as a student at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. His post-Oberlin endeavors are a testament to his hard work and passion for the medical field.

Basses Loaded
April 21, 2021
Erich Burnett
Conservatory athlete Ian Ashby ’22 divides his days between music and the mound.

This Week in Photos: The Cover Shot
December 10, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Bountiful bowls of leafy greens, soups, pastries, and cheeses were creatively stylized on a rustic table and photographed for the spring 2013 issue of the Oberlin Alumni Magazine ( OAM ). This front page image is just one of many examples of the artistry involved in this long-standing publication’s cover designs.

The Transition From Student Senate to Washington, D.C.
December 8, 2020
Yvonne Gay
When he was growing up, Machmud Makhmudov ’15 noticed how communities from different parts of the world created lives that struggled, grew, and thrived alongside one another. That insight served him well as a policy advisor for the presidential campaign and stands to be an impression in his new role with the incoming Biden Administration.

Black Student Athlete Group Focuses on Community, Mentoring, and Diversifying Athletics
December 7, 2020
Amanda Nagy
Without a rigorous competition schedule this fall, the group has used the time to network with alumni and develop a mentoring program with local high school students.

This Week in Photos: Creativity and Strength
November 13, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Inspirational words and chalk drawn images on the sidewalks of Wilder Bowl greeted those passing by this past week. This chalk walk exercise resulted in several standout images featured in this week’s photo series.

Heisman Club and President Ambar Host An Evening with Tommie Smith
November 10, 2020
Communications Staff
The 1968 Olympic gold medal winner and former Oberlin College coach is known for his activism.

More than 120 Participants Took Part in Presidential Tire Flip Challenge
November 10, 2020
Oberlin Athletics
Each competitor was allotted one minute to flip the tire as many times as they could. At the end of the four hour event, 2,062 flips were made for an average of 16.8 per round.