Monica Dix Receives 2020 Nexial Prize
June 9, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
The 2020 graduate will use the Nexial Prize to explore the relationship between policy and waterways.
Amelia Lewis Awarded Fulbright-MITACS Globalink
May 5, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
Lewis is a third-year geology and environmental studies major.
Oberlin Faculty Respond to Unprecedented Challenges of COVID-19
April 6, 2020
Amanda Nagy
From chemistry to politics, exploring the ramifications of COVID-19 across disciplines.
Oberlin Gives Students in the Arts and Sciences a New Path to Musical Education
March 10, 2020
Communications Staff
Oberlin’s liberal arts students will have a new way to tap into the world-class musical education offered by the Conservatory of Music next year, as the institution launches a new music minor.
Art History Students Selected to Present at Conference
March 4, 2020
Communications Staff
Five art history students were selected from a pool of hundreds to present at the College Art Association (CAA) conference.
Oberlin to Launch Liberal Arts-Centered Integrative Concentration in Business
February 27, 2020
Communications Staff
As part of a larger effort to address the changing needs of 21st-century students, Oberlin College will launch an integrative concentration in business that will provide students with both the values of a liberal arts education and high-quality experiences in business and finance.
Oberlin to Launch Integrative Concentration in Journalism
December 18, 2019
Communications Staff
Oberlin will apply its core liberal arts curriculum to an integrative concentration in journalism designed to enhance its long history of preparing journalists for successful careers.
Visionary Academic Leader Named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
December 16, 2019
Communications Staff
An award-winning teacher and accomplished scholar, David Kamitsuka chaired the steering committee that produced the landmark One Oberlin report.
Oberlin College and Conservatory Establishes Five New Collaborative Programs
December 11, 2019
Office of Communications
Distinctive courses of study draw upon interdisciplinary resources, chart paths toward 21st century careers.
One Campus, a Million Musical Opportunities
November 23, 2019
Charlotte Maskelony '21
Oberlin College musician Olivia Fink ’21 finds no shortage of conservatory connections.