Do What You Love During Winter Term
February 10, 2014
Amanda Nagy
The period between winter break and spring semester is an opportunity to take on new challenges—and to have fun doing it.

Researching Dental Health in Namibia
February 21, 2013
Amanda Nagy
Premed student Richard McGuire is making important discoveries about the state of dental health in poor and underserved communities.

Delving Into Arizona's Mining History
February 20, 2013
Paris Achenbach
While exploring Arizona's historic copper mines through a photojournalism project, senior Paris Achenbach discovered as much about her future as she did about the state's past and present.

Biology Major Volunteers at Public Health Organization
February 19, 2013
Madeleine O'Meara
Senior Madeleine O’Meara reflects on her winter term spent working at the Mother’s Milk Bank of Denver.
Lacrosse Team Completes Winter Term Projects Around the World
February 13, 2013
Liv Combe
While keeping up their training for the upcoming season, the members of the women’s lacrosse team completed winter term projects as varied as chemistry research, teaching outdoor skills to children in Lake Tahoe, and visiting the art museums of Paris.
Discovering Pro Bono Work
February 1, 2013
Amanda Nagy
Jordan Buller-Doll explored her interests in writing, policy making, and the legal system in her first winter term as an intern working for the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.

Religion Major Studies Yoga in India
January 29, 2013
Liv Combe
Sponsored by Oberlin Shansi, junior Alexander Bianchi is studying ancient and modern components of Ashtanga yoga at the practice’s site of origin, Mysore, India.

Geology Student Takes Part in Philippines Mine Cleanup
January 25, 2013
Amanda Nagy
Third-year geology student Angela Kwon went to the Philippines to study the environmental effects of waste from the country’s largest gold mine.

Encouraging Student-Alumni Ventures
January 22, 2013
Liv Combe
The Creativity & Leadership Project is sponsoring the first LaunchU program, three intensive weeks that accelerate and encourage the development of Oberlin entrepreneurs.

Sustaining Endangered Languages
January 18, 2013
Amanda Nagy
Jena Mauldin is taking part in the Recovering Voices project, a Smithsonian-led initiative that documents and preserves endangered languages around the world.