Campus News
This Week in Photos: Lessons In and Out of the Classroom
November 12, 2021
Yvonne Gay
An image taken at an annual lecture created as a way for the college’s faculty and selected alumni to share their expertise and insights serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Fireflies
November 4, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A wave of cell phones dancing in the air of a dimmed Finney Chapel during Friday Night Organ Pump mimics a swarm of fireflies. The image also serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Returns and Openings
October 26, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Silhouettes and attentive audience members facing a bright glow is one photographer’s artistic interpretation of the energy during a concert inside Finney Chapel. The photo also serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: The Start of a New Year
September 30, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A first-year TIMARA student's handcrafted soundboard and belongings sit in a sprawling bundle on the walkway in front of Noah Hall. The mound of shoes, luggage, blankets, and bins was a familiar site around campus this week as students unloaded vehicles and moved into residence halls.
This Week in Photos: Orientation and All the Feels
September 22, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Two first-year students in the Class of 1970, each carrying an armload of clothes through the parking lot near Dascomb Hall, serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Bike Culture at Oberlin
September 8, 2021
Yvonne Gay
It’s the 1960s, and a small group of students are standing with bicycles while a photographer takes their picture near a “caution 4,000 bikes in Oberlin” sign. This iconic photo is a tribute to Oberlin’s bike culture and serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Summer Semester Finals
August 30, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A top floor lounge in the Science Center surrounded by glowing sunlight through a wall of windows serves as the perfect study nest for this student. It also serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: End-of-Semester Moments
August 24, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A dancer’s white ruffled dress glides in the air as a setting sun bounces off the grass and rhythmic bare feet. Nearby, students and members of the Oberlin community find comfortable spaces and watch intensely as other performers take a turn on the grassy stage. This end-of-the semester showcase serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Sheer Creativity
August 16, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A performer who seems to glide through the air against a night backdrop, propelled by wispy long wings that give off a majestic glow, serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.
This Week in Photos: Perspectives
July 28, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A photographer’s perspective of a group of Oberlin residents and students walking through Tappan Square on a nice summer afternoon—a large tree trunk pictured in the foreground—serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.